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Author Description Version: Size: Date:
Skul This script supplies you with a [NAMES NAMES_ELF_MALE/FEMALE] list for your c_elf_male and c_elf_female characters. Simply add NAME=#NAMES_ELF_MALE/FEMALE to your elf characters. 56b 9.11 KB Aug 31st, 2012, 3:42 am

Blank save and account folder with related .scp files Hits: 1413
Author Description Version: Size: Date:
darksun84 An international research showed that beginners and expert scripters stop to utilize sphere when they have to create/recreate the account and save folders(and the related files), by using the most advanced computer science technique, our engineers resolved the problem This archive contain : Save Folder with empty sphereworld.scp empty spherechars.scp empty spheredata.scp empty spheremultis.scp empty spherestatics.scp Accounts folder with empty sphereaccu.scp Every file has its [EOF] at the bottom 1.0 495 Byte Feb 19th, 2013, 8:24 pm

Containers on Trade Window Hits: 1005
Author Description Version: Size: Date:
Staff_Stanic Script that enables a player see what's inside a container that a player offer to him, "dclicking" the container. Solving problems like transference of a huge quantity of items (like gold) and cheating. 1.0 1.52 KB Aug 8th, 2013, 2:46 am

EA: t_Shrine (Updated: 15-3-2016) Hits: 744
Author Description Version: Size: Date:
Khaos t_Shrine as EA processes the shrine type. Context menus for tithing gold for Tithing points, Resurrection with 5% hits, mana, and stamina on resurrection. 1/10 loss of fame as per EA as well. Missing Karma lock at the moment, will be added as we figure out what we are doing in the source with standardization. 1.04 KB Mar 15th, 2016, 10:22 am

Gumps in JPEG, from UO SA installation Hits: 1301
Author Description Version: Size: Date:
darksun84 Following the international success of the emptyblanksaveandaccount file, our team of engineers have developped an innovative way to see Gumps Arts without using any external program! The Archive contain a folder with the jpeg images of the Gumps Arts extracted from the Stygian Abyss installation(the High sea Expansion). 1.0 6.45 MB Aug 27th, 2013, 4:33 pm

Map of Westeros, in one file Hits: 812
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Stephka Here is the whole file of the map of Westeros, in one big bundle. It's a HUGE thing, since it needs all of the .mul files to work properly. Be warned! On Dropbox of course. The map is not completed, I'm in the process of putting some finishing touches but it's a pretty good start for someone good with CentrED. Take note that it's on Dropbox and NOT the file attached here. The file is a list of a few things unfinished and secrets and dungeons you'll be able to find. *SPOILERS* , of course. Have fun! 1.1 1.04 KB Aug 31st, 2013, 5:44 pm