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Sphere Community Pack 2.0
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Anarch Cassius

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Post: #11
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
Skul, I'm personally in favor of getting rid of i_shield_platemail_bronze type items entirely. You can use functions to achieve the same effect in a more flexible way with fewer defs.

[FUNCTION f_material_i_ingot_aurichalcum] //aka Orichalcum
NAME=aurichalcum <NAME>
HITPOINTS += <MulDiv <HITPOINTS>,10,100>
tag0.LOWERREQS += 10
IF (<ISARMOR>) || (<TYPE>==t_shield)
    modar += <modar> + <MulDiv <ARMOR.HIGH>,10,100>
    IF (<LAYER>==13) && (<TAG0.COVERARMS>)
    ELSEIF (<LAYER>==13) || (<TYPE>==t_shield)
    ELSEIF (<LAYER>==4)
    ELSEIF (<LAYER>==6) || (<LAYER>==19) || (<LAYER>==7)
    ELSEIF (<LAYER>==10) || (<LAYER>==3)
tag0.DAMINCREASE += 10
tag0.modvalue += (40*<RESOURCES.1.VAL>)

With that and the right crafting menus you can create whole new materials with a few lines of code and no new itemdefs. I have menus that were originally based on modern EA that support this, they could be made EA-like again. If someone can make the old school menu (or a cloned copy) work with this I really think it's the way to go.

RanXerox, weren't you involved in the writing of the combat maneuvers? These I have and they are remarkably EA-like for one of my files Smile Just need to be made spells since I do think that would be cleaner.

I like Big Ship Combat Smile

I'm for the boss systems since we need the EA stuff. I would like to see it made customizable so we can make up our own boss battle settings.
07-06-2012 06:06 AM
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Post: #12
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
Ya I have the combat moves script and the monster abilities... but on my server, items, spells, monsters are all tied together and I don't know how easy it will be to fit it into SCP. That will definitely take a lot of work. The way I wrote it, is something like this:

- Every character and NPC has a default event: e_combat_events
- Note: This event is the only script on the shard that uses @Hit @GetHit @HitTry @HitMiss etc...

- Every equipable item has a default event: e_equipitem
- Note: If you equip an item (armor, clothes, jewelry, etc) that affects combat, it adds a tag to your character. Similarly, if you cast a spell, that equips a spellicon that might add a tag to your character..

- In the combat event triggers, I look for tags that affect combat and use that information to affect the results appropriately.
- Note: the tags might be offensive or defensive and might be implemented in triggers on the attacker, the defender, or both.

The end result is that if I want a monster to have an ability (or 10 abilities) I can hard-code the TAG into their CHARDEF or add it dynamically in-game using a GM (evil laughter).
Similarly, if I want an item to have a particular effect, I just add the TAG to its ITEMDEF or I can add it dynamically in game.
07-06-2012 06:40 AM
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Anarch Cassius

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Post: #13
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
In practice that isn't so different from how I'm handling things or the SCP combat system. The biggest difference is that I still use events for a lot of specific things and keep tags for more general properties. If I want to add a special ability to a monster I use an event, but I define what combat moves they and weapons have with tags, along with things like item properties.

As a group we need to spend some time figuring out the best default way for these things to interact. If that's clear expanding an porting SCP scripts should be easier.
07-06-2012 06:46 AM
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Sphere Suite 2013

Post: #14
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
This is a general idea and then we get into the specific stuff.
First thing we need to do is to rename and reorganize all the scripts while we are working. No more "sphere_", "sphere_items" and all that shit about menasoft and partners at the top of the scripts. No CAPS, we can add some lines like these instead:

[comment script_information]

Sphere Community Pack 2.0

- Contributors: None
- Last edited by: None
- Script last updated: dd/mm/yyyy
- Language: English
- Script version:

[comment description]

- A short description about the content of this .scp

More directories to create like "spawns" and "templates", configuration files to turn on/off our systems

We have to work on the things that directly affects to the economy of the game: combat/magic/crafting/other professions and completing what is missing from old expansions before applying new features for SA and HS.

Let's script the systems, the next step will be all the missing items, npcs and their respective speech and then spawning the whole world or creating functions like the ones uploaded by Skul recently to do the job similar to what RunUO does.

More ideas? so we can begin distributing the tasks by teams.
07-06-2012 03:36 PM
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Post: #15
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
installer will be good, most of people can have issues with get sphere works. also sphere coming with wrong ini settings (lile networkthreads > 0). and i think community pack must have a spawned world. or a spawner script like .spawnvendors, .spawncreatures etc.
(This post was last modified: 07-06-2012 09:51 PM by Shaklaban.)
07-06-2012 09:51 PM
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Post: #16
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
Anarch, I can see you use that function in the @create trigger. I use a similar function for my magic weapons/armors on my server, it helped keep the script file short. I still use the old way for all my colored ignots/weapons/armors (long [itemdef] fashion). Updating it to the code you posted will shorten the scripts I have drastically.

As for ideas, have you guys done a necromancy script? I read on the site here that someone posted a necromancy script that was never finished. I took alot of time to make mine osi-like (even though it's integrated into my custom scripts). The damage values are accurate to, I can edit it and post it to work properly with the original sphere package.

As for other ideas, as Xan mentioned, Ninjitsu and the ML skills totally need to be done. I remember Naz added some support for it way back in 2009, although the triggers for the new skills were never really completely tested and nobody really got any of the scripts completed for the new skills / then again I still use some of the old 55i .scp files from way back in 2002 hah!

Anyways, I guess taking a peak at will help anyone find some ideas as to what sphere needs and what sphere is missing. I don't mind opening a 'stock' sphereserver running on a seperate port than my host server to work on and test some new scripts for this sphere package.

Let me know (PM or MSN) if you guys have an idea or what I can do, I'll be able to get mostly anything working (packet handling is no problem).

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07-06-2012 10:49 PM
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Anarch Cassius

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Post: #17
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
Necro is actually 95% done. Smile I didn't realize how far the SCP had come with it or that so many missing spells would be things people had on hand. Some debugging and tweaks are needed. I'll have a draft up soon based on what I have, the current SCP, UO Guide, and the loose spells I've been given like Summon Familair. Everyone should go over that for consistancy and bugs when the time comes. If you have time I'd love to see what you have as well. Things are mostly working but the more people thinking about little details the better and another script to compare to certainly can't hurt.

Spellweaving is like 20-30% done, I'm not sure about Chivalry but it has something, if nothing else I've got it at like 65%. The others are basically placeholders.

I agree with Valios on headers and directories. Let's start a list of missing systems and arrange them chronologically.
07-07-2012 06:46 AM
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Post: #18
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
List what is missing, then we can apply for the tasks.
I am very happy with our new objectives.

@Valios, can you make some updates on vSCP ? When opening a script, if you try close it, it ask to save (like you have changed something). Ctrl+Tab to switch tabs, Ctrl+W to close tab (ask to save if it was modified), Opening new scripts goes on the currently opened instance.


- Check the revisions log;
- Use the search button and use the keywords of your problem;
- Check the WIKI;
- Create a thread.
07-07-2012 08:25 AM
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Sphere Suite 2013

Post: #19
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
Stay on-topic please, there is another section for vscp where you already suggested these additions but now I'm focused in something else. The tool is working good at least for win7 users, these are minor changes that I can apply later.
07-07-2012 09:30 AM
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Post: #20
RE: Sphere Community Pack 2.0
I like this idea and although i can't contribute due to my poor scripting level I can make some suggestions...

The main suggestion that I can think about now is the Guild / faction system. I think this should be completly re-worked into a better "plug and play model"
I would also like to see some more things emphasising guild alinement through guild items and events - for example guild colours being changed on the stone, guild symbols. I know that this isn't a big built in part to the OSI style but i think it would be beneficial.

- I also think you should get a "code monkey" to go through and sort out the files and arrange them in a manner that is decipherable.

- A system that I think is also lacking is the house system
07-07-2012 06:30 PM
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