yeah, I was fiddling with quality too. Although I was also having another problem, seemed no matter what I set an item's quality to, the price refused to change. Very odd, because (at least in 51a) the price the directly connected to the items quality, for everything you made. At least, that's how I remember it.
The items im testing I know can have quality values too, because they're all t_armor/t_weapon types at the moment.
So, I'm quite baffled why everything I craft is selling for the same price, be it crafted as Smithing 1, or smithing 1000.0. Even the default sphere system should be varying the price based on quality, and it's not. :/
Thats what lead me to try to set the value based on quality, but then I ran into the problem above.
So, if VALUE is read-only, I need to go back and discover why quality isnt adjusting the sell price..
Also, I recall 51a allowing players to buy items off a vendor previously sold by another player, that doesnt seem to be the case anymore..?
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