17:15:ERROR:(brneni_barevne.scp,2469)Setting new id for base type i_rusty_ringmail_tunic not allowed
This happens when you have the same item defined 2 or more times.. like repeated items with same itemdef.
Another mass occurrence of the errors while new build starting is this one:
17:15:ERROR:UID=0430cd7ac, id=04762 'Shadow Ringmail Tunic', Invalid code=2230 (Item equipped in the trade window layer but it isn't a trade window)
The items have wrong layer set on them. They must have the right layer.
Check if after the error appear, try .gouid UID and see if the item still existing. If yes, there is nothing to worry.
If they are removed, you will have to find all of them and send it to somewhere like player backpack or bank.
Another error:
18:09:ERROR:(brneni_obleceni.scp,63)Item:Hitpoints assigned for non-weapon i_robe_necromancer_great
Not sure, but nothing to worry.
And last:
17:15:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x13740f), in CChar::CanMoveWalkTo() #1 "Check Valid Move"
17:15:ERROR:Item (0319e) has no definition in scripts.
17:15:DEBUG:__ thread (39384) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 1 | CSector::OnTick | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 2 | CChar::OnTick | +62
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 3 | CChar::NPC_OnTickAction | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 4 | CChar::NPC_Act_GoHome | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 5 | CChar::NPC_WalkToPoint | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 6 | CChar::NPC_Pathfinding | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 7 | CPathFinder::CPathFinder | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 8 | CPathFinder::FillMap | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 9 | CChar::CanMoveWalkTo | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 10 | CChar::CheckValidMove | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 11 | CWorld::GetHeightPoint_New | +0
17:15:DEBUG:>> 39384 | 12 | CItemBase::FindItemBase | +0
Check your sphere.ini for walk flags and tell us whats your option flags.