(09-08-2013 01:49 AM)StaticZ Wrote: It depends at you server and scipts. I don't know how in wphere it works but in RunUo house is just region, the main difference that for multies house regions are already created for each multy object, when for static houses you have to create your won for each building. Any way there are no different what is located in house region, plyers still be able to lock\secure items if he\she will be able to put them on the "ground".
Mordaunt has provided a script that will automatically turn static buildings into houses and allow players to decorate them, which I intend to use. I am no scripter, though I am learning as I go, and do not mind using available resources. He likewise has another, rather more robust Housing program I may implement, but without custom housing (which can be disabled), and probably without multis or players being able to place houses. So basically, only static houses (if I can master CentrED and CentrED+). I want to try to build community within the towns, and avoid the potential for sprawl so common in many shards.
Ideally, I just want a number of pre-existing houses in and just outside of the eight major towns which players can purchase. I want to put the initial prices on the house sign, which I think Mordaunt's program can do. The house won't decay, esp. since it will be static, but will rather simply go back on the market if neglected for too long. The script also allows for players selling their homes. There is another script for renting rooms in Inns that sounds intriguing as well.
Quote:I hated them =) We called them "parrots coolors". I still don't understand who need random colors feature implemented in centred 0.6.2\0.6.3 =) Just some example of some good colors for getting new effects: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th (thow the last is not very good color)
You have a much nicer word for them than I do...
. Your world looks fantastic! Far better than anything I am likely to manage (I am not artist). I definitely want to stick to a more natural colors for the world. Custom dye tubs for items such as realistic leather colors would be nice. If I never see another neon yellow or orange carpentry item again I will be a happy man.
Quote:It's rather hard to do, if you will try you understand about what I'm speaking. The problem is that UO engine can't correct cut tiles if they are partially underground...
I think I understand a little from the little bit of editing I have tried with CentrED. I did quite a bit of damage to Trinsic, which required reloading the map...
By the way, where can I download CentrED+. For some reason I cannot seem to locate it via Google?
Actually, I just found it through the Quintessence link under your avatar...