BUY and SELL VALUES - Printable Version

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BUY and SELL VALUES - WRWR - 08-05-2012 11:59 PM

How it work? Where i can regulate diferences in price between SELL and BUY values?
For example if my ingot set value=10
blacksmith sell it for 11 and buy it for 9
how i can regulate it?

RE: BUY and SELL VALUES - darksun84 - 08-06-2012 01:08 AM


This value is added to the markup percentage that vendors apply to their buy and sell prices. Since the default markup is 15%, this means that a vendor will sell something worth 100gp at 115gp and buy it back for 85gp. If you set this tag to -15 the markup will be cancelled out to 0%, or you can raise/lower it if you want your vendor to sell things at a higher/lower price. If the vendor has this tag set directly on them then this region TAG will not be used.

RE: BUY and SELL VALUES - WRWR - 08-06-2012 02:24 AM

Is it possible to make different prices for each players?
or this TAG override on RESTOCK only?

RE: BUY and SELL VALUES - Gil Amarth - 08-06-2012 07:09 PM

What I do is return a percentage of the price, if his skill "Commerce" is so high.

So if a sword costs 100 gold coins, I return to the player a part of the price on @ITEMBUY trigger, between 10 or 20 gold coins. You can do the same with factions, reputation or character skills, it´s not different prices, but very similar at the end. Smile

RE: BUY and SELL VALUES - Handred - 08-10-2012 10:46 PM

I have a problem with ITEMBUY and ITEMSELL.

ARGN will return the amount of the item I currently have (or that the vendor has, on ITEMBUY) instead of the amount I am trying to sell or buy.