
Full Version: Everyone Upload some Scripts!
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Our community is seriously lacking script archives to be downloaded. Everyone sift through your files and see what you can upload! No matter how small, how large, how whatever. Lets see if we cant get the Downloads section popping. I know, I personally, will be trying to upload as much as possible here within the next few days to try and give it a boost of content. Upload whatever you can guys!

I encourage everyone to pull through their scripts and upload what they can. This will greatly help a lot of people finish shards or eliminate tedious tasks that everyone has to repeat. I know we have the spherecommunity.scp files however they are far from complete and I think sphere community could greatly benefit from everyone in the community uploading some scripts.

[Reasons to Upload your scripts]
1. Help People Learn by Example.
2. Help Servers by uploading scripts they may need to help their staff save time.
3. The More scripts that are publicly available the more people will want to use sphere as an emulator
4. Help Shards Open or Open Sooner.
5. The satisfaction of knowing you are contributing the community.
6. Sharing is Caring.. Smile

[Things you can Upload]
Script Packs
Expansion Addons
MYSQL Based Scripts
Web Based Scripts
Anything & Everything!!
Can you teach me how to upload script

I have a lot of data and scripts.

It is far too large to 8gigs
Hello Evening, you should break your scripts down into sections so you can upload them and also for to make it easier to download for the people downloading it. You can upload whatever you want buy click Downloads at the top of the page and then inserting your scripts you wish to make public.
OK, I will.
uploaded some scripts I collected the last few years under Script Pack.
have fun Smile
I used to be pretty active in the Sphere community about 9-10 years ago. I wrote an awful lot of scripts for 0.55i. I recently found everything I had done on a backup CD and decided to put it all up on GitHub. Unfortunately this doesn't include any of the custom maps I did.


"elementalmagicsystem v.85.scp" is probably the most interesting script in there (it's actually a conglomeration of several of the other scripts into one giant file). It contains a complete re-write of the magic system. The code is not for the faint of heart but hopefully it might give some one here some ideas.
I have updated the my script pack file in the downloads section, actually twice this morning, added half a dozen scripts that were missing from the previous version and a file with a link to my library where older/alternate versions of some scripts exist.
I know that it is simpler to compile collections of scripts into packs and add them to the download section, so I'm not suggesting anyone stop doing that. That said however, one of the biggest helps that the old forums provided was the script submissions were there on the forum and were totally searchable. So if I needed to understand how to use a certain function or technique I could find examples through the forum search function. For this reason I would suggest we also continue to post new scripts individually on the forum rather than limiting it to the download section only.

Sure Nacht, I agree. You guys can use the SphereCommunityPack section to post your scripts. I did move your thread there Smile

Best regards
I think we should remake some stuff from SCPack...
Starting in tooltips and properties, magic skills (chivalry, necro, spellweaving, bushido, mysticism, ninja...)
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