Hello everyone,
I'm going to share some scripts that although have been made for a very peculiar kind of server, some of you may find them interesting and useful and could adapt them to your own servers.
This script is all about a pad that prevents players from walking in the selected directions.
Double-clicking the pad with .gm ON will display the following dialog:
As you can see, at the moment the pad will block alive players, regardless of their state, from walking from N to S. The pad is currently INVISIBLE.
What I like the most on it is that it doesn't teleport you anywhere causing screen refresh problems. It just moves you back if you can't go in a certain direction.
It can be useful in several situations and is easy to set up. For example, in an event you can prevent a player from walking alive from N to S, which can be the direction to enter the player base. So after leaving the base they can't go back in, at least alive.
Following the same logic I used through the script, you can prevent other "kind" of players from walking through, checking tags, stats, skills, anything you want.
The only problem I encounter is that one single pad can't prevent 2 kind of people from walking in different directions. For example, You can't say alive people won't walk from N to S and dead people won't walk from S to N. But this being the case, you can always add 2 pads close to each other.