i can't get rid of the basic "names" of the cities, and dunno where to modify the description.
I tried to modify the map_points0.scp but the only thing i got is that whatever the user will click (britain, minoc, etc) the char will be spawned in my coord. Ofc removing all the base names and coord, and putting mine like below:
[STARTS] // new client
additional infos:
- client is
- on spheretables i don't load the base map files, but load my custom map files (different filenames ).
- i also tried loading original files and avoid the loading of mines... nothing
Dunno what else to do...
edit: this morning i made some tries with other clients, with client 4.0 i have the same thing, without the text on the right side.
with client i still have everything like the picture above, but with the last client i have No map, and the city called "Lumen" in the top left.
edit2: i found that the right part (Britain, the city of bards, blablabla) can be modified editing the cliloc file.
Still no clues for the first problem, i also tried to delete or modify the Intrface.def file inside the UO directory....but nothing.
Even if i put this inside that file.
//rect 0 0 640 480
rect (sw-640)/2 (sh-480)/2 640 480
fadeininterface 500 100
fadeintime 500
fontcolor 4294967295
//Select Your Starting City
text 220 434 200 20 64 3000331
fontnumber 0
textoutline 25297
fontcolor 0
background 5528 57 49 0
button 10019 586 445 5537 5539 5538 0 2
button 10020 610 445 5540 5542 5541 0 2
interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 0 111 143 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Lumen Lumen
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 1 250 93 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Minoc Minoc
interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 2 173 198 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Lumen Lumen
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 3 336 160 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Moonglow Moonglow
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 4 205 302 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Trinsic Trinsic
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 5 340 242 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Magincia Magincia
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 6 164 391 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Jhelom Jhelom
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 7 106 237 115 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Skara_Brae Skara_Brae
// interfaceradiobutton 45002 45002 8 277 128 85 26 cityselst1 cityselst1pressed cityselst1highlight cityselst2 cityselst2pressed cityselst2highlight Vesper Vesper
// City info box
sizablebackground 452 60 173 367 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3005 3006 3007 3008 1
textarea 30020 456 64 165 359 64
include loginmenubuttonsetc
edit3: tried to use original gumps, not working
tried to modify cliloc, not working
tried to put a clean and just downloaded sphere nightly + scripts, and tried to rename 'yew'.... NOT WORKING..
i'm getting mad.