RE: AR on AoS status gump
i actually started with the most recent script pack using the new ini, sphere.dic, msgs and all, and updated my scripts to use some of the new features and removed some old out dated stuff i was using in them, spent days on it. then i figure out the AR had been removed completely from the script pack monsters and realized that its not used with the new resist system, so i went back and spent forever updating my scripts and took out the AR. i know most noobs do what you said, but i have been here since 55i was released, and i have used almost every update put out between that and the last build of 56b, granted i might miss a few things like the space between D and A when dumping from the console (which actually isnt documented anywhere) and that AR was completely removed, but i am a veteran user so im not completely helpless, and not trying to sound like an asshole, but i would appreciate a bit more respect to that fact, its kinda starting to get to me tbh
i stopped using the lastest nightlies, as they are quite broke in their current condition, simply put, the monsters are broke, using the latest script pack none of the monsters will attack you even if u have it set on an event to attack when they see you, it will say u see them attacking you, but they basically just walk right by you like you arent even there, i even hit them on the way by and they still just walk right past me, after a while they will actually attack you, but nothing like they used to even in previous builds, and even then;
Skeleton misses you
Skeleton misses you
Skeleton misses you
Skeleton misses you
You miss Skeleton
Skeleton misses you
Skeleton misses you
You miss Skeleton
You miss Skeleton
Skeleton misses you
You miss Skeleton
then one or 2 hits will happen, eventually one of you will die, i tried with several combinations of NPC features in the ini, made sure that their stats were more than mine were, nothing seemed to change it.
sometimes the server hangs while using firefield and walking thru it a few times (might be others spells, may not even be the spell, i cant seem to find any other connection other than the firefield tho, and it doesnt seem to happen every time either just randomly) client locks up, server stops responding, no errors in console, no response from debugging either just freeze, closing it from the window doesnt even do anything, have to close it from task manager.
sometimes using blacksmithing to make an item as simple as a bronze shield, the item vanishes when u pick it up, get a debug code with that;
04:57:DEBUG:__ thread (3500) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 0 | NetworkManager::tick | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 1 | NetworkThread::tick | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 2 | NetworkInput::processInput | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 3 | NetworkInput::processData | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 4 | NetworkInput::processData | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 5 | NetworkInput::processGameClientData | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 6 | PacketItemPickupReq::onReceive | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 7 | CClient::Event_Item_Pickup | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 8 | CChar::ItemPickup | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 9 | CChar::LayerAdd | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 10 | CGObList::RemoveAtSpecial | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 11 | CChar::OnRemoveOb | +0
04:57:DEBUG:>> 3500 | 12 | CChar::Spell_Effect_Remove | +0
04:57:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0xdff77), in CClient::CClient::Event_Item_Pickup() #4 "ItemPickup"
with one of the nightlies i used, resurrect didnt work at all, had a dead player, res ahnk just gave a message that they had a feeling of holiness, res spell did nothing, healer wouldnt res them, resurrect command didnt do anything, resurrect from the admin menu didnt do anything, player remained dead, ended up having to pick up the body and switching to an older nightly, got on and resurrection worked, however standing on the body i laid down while ressing, did not equip any of the items back on him, i assumed this was becus i had the body in my pack, so we tested with a fresh kill, fresh res on body, and still did not equip previously equipped items like older versions used to, a common feature that was something i personally liked very much.
some triggers dont fire correctly,
@itemunequip for example, for some reason when referring to the player with an equipped item, whatever the item gave (resist, stats, skill modifiers, etc) doesnt update at the time the trigger fires, when firing it still shows whatever the item gave to said player, i dont know if this was supposed to be this way, but imo i was expecting to get the updated info AFTER the item was taken off, not the info from before it was taken off
@itemcreate, does nothing, doesnt fire at all, tried everything, triple checked to make sure the event was on the player, tried making items from skill menu, tried just adding it on a gm, i cant even remember everything i tried, but it didnt fire not even one time
these are only a few things i know, but they kinda make it useless in its current condition, and not even telling what else i would had found wasting anymore time trying to facilitate it, so i digressed and went back to good old 56b until we get a pre release of 56c thats usable, and on that same note, i hope that you guys manage to get something in place that makes it a bit easier for us to use our 56b scripts with some of the new stuff, the resist mostly to me, seems that the AR on items could had been used to calculate a physical res if physical res wasnt on the item, would had saved time taking it off all the sciptpack items and made custom scripts a bit more portable for the users.
i love this emulator, so ill nvr give up on it, but to say the latest nightly works just fine is an oversight, and to make it out like im not versed enough to know i need to update something as simple as core scripts or the ini file is kind of insulting considering you know ive been with this for at least 15 years if not longer, again not trying to come off like an asshole, but whether you find it correct or not, 56c is broken and useless in its current state, it isnt working 'fine' altho i do hope to see it working at least as well as 56b in the near future.