The idea here is:
Imagine a tile of a dungeon at 1,1 which send you to 2,2 using the sphere_map_points scripts
1 Now you put a INIVISIBLE item on 1,1
2 Now you set .xmorep 2,2 on this item
3 This tile, when you step on it, will create a gold item on 2,2 (because it reads the morep)
4 the gold check if there is a wall on it
5 if there is wall on it, the INVISIBLE ITEM will send you back
new.destine_blocktest2 <----- it shouldnt be there
return <new.destine_blocktest2>
try this way
[typedef t_dungeon_tile]
if <destine_blocktest>
src.sysmessage @,,1 The other side is blocked
move <dtag.moveback>
return 1
[function destine_blocktest] //to test where it is
serv.newitem i_virtstone_8 //to avoid server crash if 2 coins stack togheter and timerf,remove runs on a missed item
new.attr 090
new.p <morep>
return <new.destine_blocktest2>
[function destine_blocktest2]
IF (<baseid> == i_wall_stone_7_b )
return 1
timerf 0,remove