Okey guys i have almost ended the dialog but now i need suggestions and advices for some hard stuff about it..
i have created 5 new skills so i kept the default skillgump and added a new similar one with the new skills, now i want to add the skilllock stuff ..
at first im trying to do it as similar as the default one, so i made 5 checkboxes and an OK button, so checkboxes gumpids are the very same used by default skill gump (2435 2437)
but if i want to continue with this and if am not mistaken it would be neccesary to make like ~120 dialogs considering the combination of 5 diferent checkboxes between gump_up and gump_down
to simulate when skill is skilllocked to 1 or 0 (im not considering -1 value yet).
it might look really crazy, but if im gonna keep this way on i need to be certain that it would work.
once the checkbox are pressed the button runs this:
PHP Code:
FOR 1045 1049 // checkboxes ids
IF (<argchk<dlocal._for>>)
// sdialog xxxxxx
for 58 62 // skill numbers
if (<src.skilllock.<dLOCAl._for>> == 0)
src.skilllock.<dLOCAL._for> = 1
// elif (<src.skilllock.<dLOCAL._for>> == 1)
// src.skilllock.<dLOCAK._for> = 0
Tthe real problem is how can i match the skilllock checks to a corresponding dialog to show...
if skilllock checks return values like (For example)
how can i manage to make it know which dialog will be shown considering the checkboxes gump_up and gump_down
i hope i have made myself clear ... for some reason i always manage to complicate things when explaining xDDDD
Regards my friends