Hi guys,
I just wonder, whether it is possible to open bank container (Layer 29) of a character from another character.
For instance, a character in game, just type .listbanks. Actually, i made this part and also i can get other characters bank uid in same account. I just want to open bank container of characters in same account.
src.findlayer.29.open, opening the character bank box as far as i know.
i try to get the bank uid of another character in same account and tryied something like that ;
try <ref1> ref1.open. Seems ridiculous guess..
ref1 is the uid of bank container of an another character in same account.
The purpose of doing this will be making players transfering their items to their characters from one to another like as i mentioned above.
If you guys have any idea regarding , help me to do so
) I'll glad..
The code i prepared for listing and getting uid is the following ;
[dialog d_char_list_bank]
resizepic 0 0 9200 310 280
gumppictiled 10 10 290 260 2624
dtext 60 20 1153 <serv.name> Item Transfer Menu
dtext 25 50 1153 Which Character do you want to open bank box
for 0 <eval <account.chars>-1>
dtext 65 <eval (<dlocal._for>*30)+90> 025 <account.char.<dlocal._for>.name>
for 1 <eval <account.chars>>
button 30 <eval (<dlocal._for>*30)+60> 4020 4022 1 0 <dlocal._for>
[dialog d_char_list_bank button]
sysmessage @1153 You canceled transfering
on=1 5
if (<src.account.char.<eval <argn>-1>.uid> == <src.uid>)
src.sysmessage @1153 You cant transfer items to character as same as character you are online.
return 1
try ctag.<src.account.name><eval <argn>-1> <src.account.char.<eval <argn>-1>.uid>
src.open <uid.<ctag.<account.name><eval <argn>-1>>.findlayer.29.uid> // if something works like that would be nice
Thanks in advance.