Yea, it's a rather long script. I'm using an older version of sphere, and a client to suit that version. Offhand I cannot recall, but it worked without a hitch a long while back. I did a change shortly before I got involved in other stuff in life and didn't have time to do this stuff anymore... and then poof, broken.
Not sure what I last changed, though I am not seeing significant errors firing on the console. None related to this , at least, beyond a few missing functions I haven't written yet which are called.
As for the physicaldamage tag... yea, they all do. I've tested unarmed, armed, and magic etc. It's melee/unarmed causing the issue for certain. My custom magic works wonderfully. Aggravating when you find a bug like this.
IF (<DAM>)//or is it an NPC attacking>?
LOCAL.WRESTLINGBONUS=<Eval <wrestling>/200>
IF (<wrestling>>=100.0)
LOCAL.wrestling += 10
ELSE //or are we fighting with wrestling?
LOCAL.WRESTLINGBONUS=<Eval <wrestling>/200>
IF (<wrestling>>=100.0)
LOCAL.wrestling += 10
That's the bit for NPCs attacking (wrestling/unarmed) so that isn't the issue. Additionally , this affects players as well as NPCs, but it isn't as noticable. When 14 ogres gang up on a 0 stat noob and dont hurt it enough to kill it, that is indicative of a problem for sure