Hello there,
at the moment we are creating a new german shard which is based on the Pen&Paper Game Midgard.
It is called "Corrinis - Licht und Schatten einer Stadt"
For some weeks we got the licence from the Elsa Franke Verlag for so we can official use the contents and concepts and also the map.
Now we are looking for new staff members in the world buildung block.
We are also looking for scripters (56b nightly build), race adviser (Dwarf, Elf, Dark-Elf, Werwolf, Vampire and Halfling) and graphic designer.
Take a look at our new homepage.
We still create a new one and filled it up with the first information.
Some informations:
Our focus is the town of Corrinis.
This town we be build on our map and also some vegetation around this town.
In this town we have different neighborhoods with the different races I listed up in my text.
So there are no special race town or something else.
Everybody is living in the same town
We got a own magic system with hundreds of new spells and also a lot of new features.
So, we want you!