Problem With Resistors and Armor - Printable Version

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Problem With Resistors and Armor - Gregory - 09-21-2019 01:26 AM


I was trying to make the Old Uo armor, when the armors dont have resist propeties.. but i can't do it..

I search in forum but nothing make effect..

I have this:

// Extra combat flags to control the fight (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// COMBATF_NODIRCHANGE            00001 // Not rotate player when fighting (like was in 0.51a)
// COMBATF_FACECOMBAT            00002 // Allow faced combat only (recommended)
// COMBATF_PREHIT                00004 // Allow prehit for close combat. first hit is instant (delay 0.1sec)
// COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE        00008 // Use DAM*/RES* to split damage/resist into Physical/Fire/Cold/Poison/Energy (AOS) instead use old AR (pre-AOS)
// COMBATF_MAXITEMDURABILITY    00010 // Make damageable items get destroyed when lose max durability instead current durability
// COMBATF_DCLICKSELF_UNMOUNTS    00020 // Unmount horse when dclicking self while in warmode
// COMBATF_ALLOWHITFROMSHIP        00040 // Allow attacking opponents from ships
// COMBATF_ARCHERYCANMOVE        00100 // Allow firing bow while moving
// COMBATF_STAYINRANGE            00200 // Abort attack swing when out of range instead of waiting to come back in range
// COMBATF_ATTACKONNOTICE        00400 // Make target instantly attack back when notice someone trying to attack it
// COMBATF_NPC_NOATTACKMSG        00800 // Disable *is attacking* message on NPCs
// COMBATF_STACKARMOR            01000 // If a region is covered by more than one armor part, all AR will count
// COMBATF_NOPOISONHIT            02000 // Disables old (55i like) poisoning style (0~100% chance based on Poisoning skill for monsters, or 50% chance for poisoned weapons)

If i change it, resist still apear in status bar.. i dont know what else i can do..
Someone can help me? thanks!

Im using:
Sphere Version 0.56d-Nightly

RE: Problem With Resistors and Armor - Coruja - 09-21-2019 10:38 AM

COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE will use all 5 DAM*/RES* types, so you must disable it if you just want use the old AR

PS: also note that your "//CombatFlags=0" line is commented out, you must remove the // to make sphere read this line

RE: Problem With Resistors and Armor - Gregory - 09-21-2019 11:04 AM

(09-21-2019 10:38 AM)Coruja Wrote:  COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE will use all 5 DAM*/RES* types, so you must disable it if you just want use the old AR

PS: also note that your "//CombatFlags=0" line is commented out, you must remove the // to make sphere read this line
Ty for the answer Smile

So I have to write :



Ps: Yes i comented out because i wrote some flags like this:


but nothing happen thats why i came here for help...
i didn't know if was doing something wrong

RE: Problem With Resistors and Armor - Coruja - 09-23-2019 05:45 AM

COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE (08) will enable this feature, so if you don't want use it, you must make sure to ~remove~ this flag 08 from CombatFlags

But I just remembered that old 56d builds show all 5 resists on char status just for information purposes even when COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE is disabled, so if you're using an old 56d build you can just use physical resist and ignore the others 4 values (cold/fire/poison/energy resist), or update to the latest 56d build which shows only the AR value and 0 to all others resists

RE: Problem With Resistors and Armor - Gregory - 09-23-2019 07:31 AM

(09-23-2019 05:45 AM)Coruja Wrote:  COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE (08) will enable this feature, so if you don't want use it, you must make sure to ~remove~ this flag 08 from CombatFlags

But I just remembered that old 56d builds show all 5 resists on char status just for information purposes even when COMBATF_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE is disabled, so if you're using an old 56d build you can just use physical resist and ignore the others 4 values (cold/fire/poison/energy resist), or update to the latest 56d build which shows only the AR value and 0 to all others resists

Thanks! i update to the lastest 56d Smile