Vendors won't buy anything.. - Printable Version

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Vendors won't buy anything.. - Capes - 03-25-2018 06:04 AM

All they say is Sorry I don't have enough money etc....
How or where do I make a change so all vendors upon creation have 1000 gold to spend on purchases from players?

I tried adding 1000 gold to the NPCRESTOCK of each vendor but that just adds it to their inventory and they don't seem to wanna spend that money....


RE: Vendors won't buy anything.. - azmanomer - 03-25-2018 07:17 AM

is your sphere.ini setted correctly? also which version are u using? and what are u trying to sell? is that item has value in script?
// If 1 vendors will take gold only from backpack

RE: Vendors won't buy anything.. - Capes - 03-28-2018 06:56 AM

This is my sphere_ini
// If 1 vendors will take gold only from backpack

It's the vendors that say - I do not have the funds.....
How do I add money for/to vendors to spend on buying stuff from players?


RE: Vendors won't buy anything.. - Satvet - 03-29-2018 01:42 AM

I do not know exactly what it is, but maybe this can help?

RE: Vendors won't buy anything.. - Capes - 03-29-2018 05:29 AM


Error -> undefined VENDGOLD
and the server crashed.....
using 0.56d

Crash not related.

Works perfect thanks!


RE: Vendors won't buy anything.. - Capes - 03-29-2018 10:18 PM

New issue!
I copied the sphere_vendors.spc and added vendgold=1000 to my file. I did not touch the original file.

Vendors will buy now but the console is dumping a lot of errors out...
ERROR:(c_sphere_vendors.scp,2659)Loot item 'i_lantern' too heavy for NPC 'c_innkeeper_f'
08:12:ERROR:(c_sphere_vendors.scp,1915)Loot item 'i_torch' too heavy for NPC 'c_fisher'
08:12:ERROR:(c_sphere_vendors.scp,1915)Loot item 'i_lantern' too heavy for NPC 'c_fisher'

It spits out an error for every vendor now that spawns?
When I remove vendgold=1000 from vendors and respawn world, there error disappears...

Any ideas on how vendgold=1000 would cause this?



It was not an issue with sphere or the npc vendors..
A file comparison revealed my script file had '\r' for new line/line-break/carriage return.
Warning Notepad++ users -> make sure default for new-line is '\n' else sphere will not handle the asci correctly hence go weird.

Everything works now!

Thanks for all the help!