Some problems in live shard. - massis87 - 03-04-2017 08:50 PM
I've open my shard in beta for players, and now i have some bugs, im using 56c.
1) if i resync the scripts people cant login again, i ve to restart the server. [solved]
2) poison spell dont work the status bar go green but no damage shows, if i see memory timer is -1 more1 0 and more2 1.
[Spell 20]
the osi flag is disabled.
the same is for poison field.
3) wall of stone dont decay [solved]
4) spell protection if unstable, if u used it without equip give me 30 armor, if i equip i robe goes 3, if i redo the spell with the robe goes from -20 to +8 randomly.
[Spell 15]
and i have this errors in console.
00:01:DEBUG:__ thread (4796) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 0 | NetworkManager::processAllInput | +0
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 1 | NetworkInput::processInput | +15
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 2 | NetworkInput::processData | +0
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 3 | NetworkInput::processData | +0
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 4 | NetworkInput::processGameClientData | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 5 | PacketCharDelete::onReceive | +0
00:01:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 6 | CClient::addDeleteErr | +0
00:01:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x72543), in SUB: NetworkInput::Message::ProcessMessage()
00:01:DEBUG:3d:Parsing Packet len=308 id=0xd9 [2017/03/04 00:01:54]
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --
0000 d9 21 60 c4 1d 5e 5a 7e 25 c1 86 59 c0 df 95 62 .!`..^Z~%..Y...b
0010 e5 1e 25 41 9e 28 50 6f 2f 78 ce e6 16 c5 2d da ..%A.(Po/x....-.
0020 ea 01 b2 b6 0e 20 44 d9 7f a0 cd 13 ef 11 ac 4e ..... D.......N
0030 8a 2c 88 b1 50 07 fd 20 3c a2 5c be 99 8a a0 45 .,..P.. <.\....E
0040 40 18 c6 40 df dd be 23 fb 88 c6 16 d9 44 35 ea @..@...#.....D5.
0050 60 8c 4c 78 81 50 23 f3 04 61 5d ec 60 99 8c e0 `.Lx.P#..a].`...
0060 b9 3e 47 f0 bc 82 a0 04 61 95 62 2c 07 0a 10 88 .>G.....a.b,....
0070 74 bb 48 18 c1 75 28 66 30 92 ff 9a 15 04 9c c5 t.H..u(f0.......
0080 f7 0a 5d 42 f6 02 bf b4 bf ce 92 d4 87 16 cc 65 ..]B...........e
0090 e9 75 1c ff 80 a8 bc 91 b0 61 b0 8d 2c 58 e7 3e .u..�....a..,X.>
00a0 97 b3 65 a1 3f ac d0 55 02 49 ce 33 ba c6 4b 33 ..e.?..U.I.3..K3
00b0 d1 d7 33 2b 4b 9b ad 3b 00 24 a2 09 58 53 74 78 ..3+K..;.$..XStx
00c0 02 85 6b 87 78 c3 a9 56 e5 e6 0d 78 25 6d b2 34 ..k.x..V...x%m.4
00d0 cc d7 cb 76 6b 46 43 6b ad 86 30 03 2f 57 38 57 ...vkFCk..0./W8W
00e0 d0 3e 3a ec 0b 72 d6 82 cb 63 5f bd 9f fe a0 7a .>:..r...c_....z
00f0 19 de ad 5f 8b 56 2a 34 71 ce 90 8b 34 e2 55 15 ..._.V*4q...4.U.
0100 8c 18 6b 1f 5b fb 30 8d a4 cf a3 d5 83 87 e5 a4 ..k.[.0.........
0110 02 23 e1 54 7f c5 1c d5 10 1b f7 a7 c3 73 de b7 .#.T........s..
0120 21 9b bb b7 dd 77 a0 dc 04 41 4b 8c f9 da 34 23 !....w...AK...4#
0130 71 40 6f ec
02:11:DEBUG:__ thread (4796) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 1 | CSector::OnTick | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 2 | CChar::OnTick | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 3 | CChar::OnTickEquip | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 4 | CChar::Spell_Equip_OnTick | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 5 | CObjBase::Emote | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 6 | CResource::GetDefaultMsg | +0
02:11:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x6a715e9c), in SUB: CChar::Char::Ticking items()
02:11:1ee:'gm_apocalipse' commands 'tele'=1
02:11:1ee:'gm_apocalipse' commands 'tele'=1
02:11:1ee:'gm_apocalipse' commands 'tele'=1
02:11:DEBUG:__ thread (4796) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 1 | CSector::OnTick | +16
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 2 | CChar::OnTick | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 3 | CChar::OnTickEquip | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 4 | CChar::Spell_Equip_OnTick | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 5 | CObjBase::Emote | +0
02:11:DEBUG:>> 4796 | 6 | CResource::GetDefaultMsg | +0
02:11:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0x6a715e9c), in SUB: CChar::Char::Ticking items()
17:36:DEBUG:__ thread (1592) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 1 | CSector::OnTick | +16
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 2 | CChar::OnTick | +0 <-- exception catch point (below is guessed and could be incorrect!)
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 3 | CChar::OnTickStatusUpdate | +0
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 4 | CClient::UpdateStats | +0
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 5 | CClient::addManaUpdate | +0
17:36:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 6 | CPartyDef::AddStatsUpdate | +0
17:36:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0xf3b66), in CChar::Tick() #1 "update stats"
17:38:DEBUG:__ thread (1592) __ | # | _____ function _____________ | ticks passed from previous function start ______
17:38:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 0 | CWorld::OnTick | +0
17:38:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 1 | CGObList::DeleteAll | +47
17:38:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 2 | CGObList::RemoveAtSpecial | +0
17:38:DEBUG:>> 1592 | 3 | CGObList::OnRemoveOb | +0
17:38:CRITICAL:"Access Violation" (0xf379e), in Sphere::Tick() #3 "world"
RE: Some problems in live shard. - Van Glan Bloom - 03-05-2017 03:56 AM
In my old Sphere server 56c on have the same problem. I have solved the problema with actualize the server for version 56d
RE: Some problems in live shard. - massis87 - 03-05-2017 04:14 AM
all problems in consoles or spells? 56d build?
can i have a fix for poison and prot?
the others errors is solved.
RE: Some problems in live shard. - Van Glan Bloom - 03-06-2017 01:54 AM
For the spells. In my opinion, dont use the sphere 56c. She have very bugs