Server status - Printable Version

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Server status - Leonidas - 12-09-2016 07:26 AM

In the past I've gotten this to work easy, but now for some reason the page just doesn't load. I'm trying to get my status.html to be viewable on a browser. When going to http://myserverip:port/status.html the page loads into and error and says this:

The "My server ip" page isn’t working

"My server ip" didn’t send any data.

On the console, it looks fine:

21:21:9:Client connected [Total:1] ('**********' 1/1)
21:21:9:HTTP Page Request '/status.html', alive=1
21:21:a:Client connected [Total:2] ('**********' 2/2)

Why isn't this working? Other people can connect to my server, so I don't understand why I'm not able to view the status page.

Also, I'm running my server on a vps, but I've used the exact same vps in the past and it has worked before.

When running my server on my computer and going to the browser it works fine.

RE: Server status - Kanibal - 12-09-2016 07:30 AM

Show your "Third-Party Tools Support" and "Webpage Settings" in Sphere.ini

RE: Server status - Coruja - 12-09-2016 10:02 AM

usually firewall on cloud/VPS hosting block all connections and only allow some specific IP or ports allowed on your firewall rules

so try temporarily disable the firewall on your cloud/VPS control panel, if it works without the firewall, maybe the problem is your firewall rules

RE: Server status - Leonidas - 12-09-2016 12:54 PM

I tried doing that the other day, but just tried turning the firewall off again and it did nothing. If something was blocking this, why would it still be showing up on the console, and it's the same ip and port other people use to connect to my server and they can connect fine.

// TNG
// on Linux do sth like "/srv/www/"
// on Windows do sth. like "C:\foo\bar\"

// Use the built in http server
// 0 - disable http server and webpage generation
// 1 - disable http server and enable webpage generation
// 2 - enable http server and webpage generation (default)

// Determines what html file is used as base for the status page
// Determines where the status page is saved
// In seconds, how often the status file is updated
// Required PLevel to view this page (0 = anyone, 6 = admins only)

RE: Server status - Coruja - 12-09-2016 01:41 PM

yea it makes sense, if the console is showing the IP trying to connect, the problem is not on firewall rules

are you using sphere 56c? afaik the HTTP server is broken on 56c but it works fine on 56d

RE: Server status - Leonidas - 12-10-2016 09:48 AM

Damn yeah i'm using 56c, looks like i need to upgrade lol

RE: Server status - Leonidas - 12-20-2016 02:05 PM

Alright so updated to 56d, and the same problem is still happening. Here are my following settings:

//////// Third-Party Tools Support

// TNG
// on Linux do sth like "/srv/www/"
// on Windows do sth. like "C:\foo\bar\"

///I've also tried using just StripPath=scripts\web\

// ConnectUO
// Enable or disable the response to ConnectUO pings
// If enabled, it returns: Items, Chars, Clients and Memory

// UOGateway
// Enable or disable the response to UOGateway pings
// If enabled, it returns: Name, Age, Clients, Items, Chars and Memory


//////// Webpage Settings

// Note, that you can catch error codes by creating sphere404.htm and so on
// for all HTTP error codes sphere support.

// Determines what html file is used as base for the status page
// Determines where the status page is saved
// In seconds, how often the status file is updated
// Required PLevel to view this page (0 = anyone, 6 = admins only)

Same damn thing happens as before, i type in my ip and port "http://servip:port" on my browser and it just hangs with the loading symbol, it never leaves the page I'm already on.

On sphere this is what is popping up:

21:56:0:Client connected [Total:1]. IP='blah blah'. (Connecting/Connected: 1/1).
21:56:1:Client connected [Total:2]. IP='blah blah'. (Connecting/Connected: 2/2).
21:56:0:HTTP Page Request '/', alive=1
21:56:0:HTTP Page Request '/', alive=1
21:56:1:Client disconnected [Total:1]. Account: 'No Account'. IP='blah blah'.

So with the console showing this I assume my firewall isn't the cause of this, but I made sure anyways by allowing port "2593" TCP and UDP both inbound and outbound, I also allowed "SphereServer" through my firewall. Doing all of this left me with the same result. Turning my firewall completely off and restarting the vps did nothing.

Also, I just switched to a new vps host today, so this problem is still happening even though I'm on a new host. Which leads me to believe something has to be going wrong sphere.

Thanks in advance.

Edit: Just tried hosting the server on my local pc and it is also failing to show the status. Back when I had 56c it would work on my local pc, now it is not.

RE: Server status - Leonidas - 12-20-2016 06:38 PM

Apparently when adding "scripts/web/" to my sphertables (don't know why it wasn't in there), it allowed me to actually get an "error page" when trying to view the status.

I started messing around, threw my spherestatusbase.htm into my main scripts folder, tried to go to myip:port\spherestatusbase.htm and it worked.

Don't really know what's going on here, but... it works! lol

RE: Server status - Kanibal - 12-20-2016 08:34 PM


RE: Server status - Coruja - 12-21-2016 10:51 AM

Quote:21:56:0:Client connected [Total:1]. IP='blah blah'. (Connecting/Connected: 1/1).
this text style doesn't seems to be from current 56d, probably you're using another different build

you can find the latest 56d nightly (17 dec 2016) on Downloads buttom here on top of this page