Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Printable Version

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Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Criminal - 01-19-2016 07:58 AM

Hello, sometimes I get this error in console and the item disspear, it happen sometimes with dragons and drakes while shrinked ( we use it for pvm ) not ridden or similar

:ERROR:UID=02046f, id=01106 'a crystal dragon', Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such)

Any idea?

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - pointhz - 06-01-2016 06:56 AM


Just found this on the wiki. Maybe it can help you.

If you figured it out already, how did you do it?

How do you event set the ACTION to 111? Shouldnt this be an automated thing?

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Criminal - 06-01-2016 08:01 AM

not solved yet, also the pets dont have statf_ridden

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - pointhz - 06-01-2016 08:03 AM

How do you know? Maybe I'm being dumb, but how do you check for the pet flags if they are being ridden? You can only target the owner ahah

Is there any way it can be related to shrink functions? I mean, you shrink the pet and when you unshrink it loses the statf_ridden and no longer retrieves it?

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Coruja - 06-01-2016 09:06 AM

what sphere build are you using? I remember that I had this same problem about mounts disappearing some months ago on 56c jan/feb nightlies but it's already fixed

try check if there's something wrong on your scripts, because sphere only throw this console warning when it found an NPC ridden without ridden action (ACTION=111) properly set

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - pointhz - 06-01-2016 09:25 AM


Any way to fix it via script, not updating sphere version?

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Coruja - 06-01-2016 02:32 PM

56b is too outdated and have many bugs like this, so the most recommended solution is update your sphere version

but if you don't want to, maybe this can be fixed using scripts too but it will require some weird workarounds. Everytime a player ride an mount, the mount NPC will become "invisible" (disconnected) and will change current ACTION to 111 (ridden). The correct behavior is always stay at ACTION=111, but as I said, 56b have some bugs and for some unknown reason it was changing this value, making the worldsave detect this NPC as an "mount not acting as mount". So to prevent this problem, you must make sure that the ridden NPC always have ACTION=111

I don't recommend and don't know how you can do an workaround like this, but it's the only way to fix this problem if you don't want update your sphere build

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Criminal - 06-01-2016 04:06 PM

The problem is, it happen with all pets, dragons are not rideables and it happen many times..

About updating the sphere, well I was doing it, but found few things that need to be fixed before..

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - pointhz - 06-01-2016 06:16 PM

What should be the main concern on updating sphere version?

RE: Invalid code=1203 (Ridden NPC not acting as such) - Ultima One - 06-02-2016 12:20 AM

Just FYI, added this after SRC.TARG.SHRINK on the shrink potions:


Should hopefully correct the action on the pet once its been shrunk, I can only assume the shrink function sometimes does something wrong or has some weird use case, this will force all shrunk animals to get this action - so if you allow non-rideable pets to be shrunk it may be worth checking for mountable flags before doing that.

Will let you know in a few days if they see any more issues with it