Prevent Party - Printable Version

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Prevent Party - Rizz - 07-02-2015 06:53 PM

Since there are some very big issue with partyies on the last release (I tried to exit the party, my char got stuck in game flagged as "online" without any possibility to login (I just could reach the char name screen)), I would like to know if there are some option to block/prevent the party.

The consoles spam like a crazy (you can see on bugtracker) and until it crashes (it could happen in some hrs I think).

RE: Prevent Party - darksun84 - 07-03-2015 03:36 AM

12-10-2012, Ben
-Added: Party triggers.
@PartyInvite(def=recipient, src=sender, return 1=stop default)
@PartyRemove(def=char getting kicked, src= the one kicking, no return, ARGN=1 if triggered by disband)
@PartyDisband(def=master, src=master, no return)

Remember that with GM mode enabled @PartyInvite will be skipped

RE: Prevent Party - Rizz - 07-03-2015 06:59 AM

Thx, we should add to the wiki too