Armor as <AR> - Printable Version

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Armor as <AR> - Jonaleth - 06-13-2015 09:34 PM

Is there a way to set it back as the old system. Now for example when i equip platemail arms, it gives me no AR. I got a custom combatsystem that works better in the old way of how AR is added from armor.

I've tried to find how I am changing it back, but it doesn't seem to work.

RE: Armor as <AR> - darksun84 - 06-13-2015 09:42 PM

Disable combat aos engine in the combat section of the sphere.ini, also all the ARMOR property of the armor item are commented in the scripts.

RE: Armor as <AR> - Jonaleth - 06-14-2015 02:09 AM

these are the settings i can find in my ini file, and it does not work with these settings. I've tried to change a little but still no change. Is there something I have missed?

// Extra combat flags to control the fight (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// COMBAT_NODIRCHANGE              00001 // Not rotate player when fighting (like was in 0.51a)
// COMBAT_FACECOMBAT               00002 // Allow faced combat only (recommended)
// COMBAT_PREHIT                   00004 // allow prehit for close combat. first hit is instant (delay 0.1sec)
// COMBAT_USE_RESISTANCE           00008 // use character props RES* against oldfashioned damage types
// COMBAT_SPECIALDAMAGE            00010 // use character tags TAG.*DAMAGE to apply additional damage
// COMBAT_DCLICKSELF_UNMOUNTS      00020 // unmount horse when dclicking self while in warmode
// COMBAT_ALLOWHITFROMSHIP         00040 // Allow attacking opponents from ships
// COMBAT_OSIDAMAGEMOD             00080 // modify weapon damage OSI-style (taking anatomy, tactics, lumberjacking into account)
// COMBAT_ARCHERYCANMOVE           00100 // firing bow while moving
// COMBAT_STAYINRANGE              00200 // abort attack swing when out of range instead of waiting to come back in range
// COMBAT_STACKARMOR               01000 // If a region is covered by more than one armor part, all AR will count
// COMBAT_TARGETTEDHIT             02000 // Allows setting of preferred hit area by TAG.HITPREFERENCE

// FeatureAOS, used to control AOS expansion features ( default 0 )
// FEATURE_AOS_UPDATE_A         01 // AOS Monsters, Map
// FEATURE_AOS_UPDATE_B         02 // Tooltip, Fightbook, Necro/paladin on creation, Single/Six char selection screen, Skills, Newer spellbook support
// FEATURE_AOS_POPUP            04 // PopUp Menus
// FEATURE_AOS_DAMAGE           08
FeatureAOS = 01

RE: Armor as <AR> - darksun84 - 06-14-2015 03:57 AM

What sphere version are you using ? Armor increase by using Resphysical was introduced in January/February, but your Sphere.ini is older than that.

RE: Armor as <AR> - Jonaleth - 06-14-2015 07:38 AM

Even with this, it still dont work... Acually when I equip all parts of a platemail, my armor show the correct number. And if I equip only the chest, it increases to 4. However if I put the "arms" alone, it gives nothing... this is not how it was before, and my custom system works best with that old system...

Now does anyone know how to get it back?

I've tried to edit the sphere.ini files, my last chance was to use the newest version of ini file (see below).

Now if there is no way to change this, I had this idea to create a custom system for armor absorbation as well. My only problem is that I want my custom number to be shown in the statusbar for <AR> (instead of showin this faulty AR, can it show tag0.armor?) can this be done?

Thank for you help!

// Extra combat flags to control the fight (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// COMBAT_NODIRCHANGE           00001 // Not rotate player when fighting (like was in 0.51a)
// COMBAT_FACECOMBAT            00002 // Allow faced combat only (recommended)
// COMBAT_PREHIT                00004 // Allow prehit for close combat. first hit is instant (delay 0.1sec)
// COMBAT_ELEMENTAL_ENGINE      00008 // Use DAM*/RES* to split damage/resist into Physical/Fire/Cold/Poison/Energy (AOS) instead use old AR (pre-AOS)
// COMBAT_DCLICKSELF_UNMOUNTS   00020 // Unmount horse when dclicking self while in warmode
// COMBAT_ALLOWHITFROMSHIP      00040 // Allow attacking opponents from ships
// COMBAT_OSIDAMAGEMOD          00080 // Modify weapon damage OSI-style (taking anatomy, tactics, lumberjacking, str into account)
// COMBAT_ARCHERYCANMOVE        00100 // Allow firing bow while moving
// COMBAT_STAYINRANGE           00200 // Abort attack swing when out of range instead of waiting to come back in range
// COMBAT_STACKARMOR            01000 // If a region is covered by more than one armor part, all AR will count
// COMBAT_NOPOISONHIT            02000 // Disables old (55i like) poisoning style: Poisoning > 30.0 && (RAND(100.0)> Poisoning) for monsters OR weapon.morez && (RAND(100) < weapon.morez ) for poisoned weapons.