Mythik Reborn Recluiting - Printable Version

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Mythik Reborn Recluiting - MrX - 08-18-2014 04:05 AM

I'm looking to make a copy of old shard Mythik/Santiago.

I remember the scripts of Santiago v2 was released, but I can't find it so I take Blackrock Project scripts for it. Thre is much work for me solo, so I need a little help with some things, like website, scripting, decoration ..

If anyone is interested my skype is: criminaluo and mail: criminaluo@hotmail.com

We can talk about the project.

RE: Mythik Reborn Recluiting - dagger4k - 08-18-2014 07:53 PM

Where are you looking to host the server? I might be interested if it means I can play from Australia haha

RE: Mythik Reborn Recluiting - MrX - 08-18-2014 11:46 PM

I plan to host it in Europe, at this moment not sure in which country..

RE: Mythik Reborn Recluiting - dagger4k - 08-19-2014 07:32 AM

that's a shame Sad