Login speed - Printable Version

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Login speed - Lazarus - 05-10-2014 01:12 AM

Hi there! Sphere has something that I'd never understood :'(

when you try to login to a server, sometimes, with something in somewere (really) when you type your password and press ENTER, the next window of servers list comes INSTANTLY (thinking in a LOCAL SERVER). but sometimes, in somewere with some scripts or something that is related by the sphere folder, it stays a while in connecting (in a local server too) and there, log in.

Why I'm writting this?
I was looking for a answer, because 2 days ago with a rev 1915 [just to say a number] I was login in just a blink of eyes, and now, with the last rev, I have to wait like 1-2 seconds [is very anoying for me and I guess, the players]

so, there's a configuration or something else that controlls this?

I remember in the old 56b that a simple scp change of save files change this, only the files, I don't know why.



RE: Login speed - Feeh - 05-10-2014 02:26 AM

There is no option to choose to have this delay or not...Why would you choose to wait? Tongue

UO Client is full of surprise Tongue
Sometimes it can open the socket, leave the socket open and other strange behaviors before/after some internal tasks... It is really strange I have to admit. I've noticed this long time ago but it never annoyed me.
Others factors can slow down the connection process, such as OS, OS Configuration/Hardware(?), ISP for non-local connections... AFAIK there is nothing you can do to control this; I've experienced this also on RunUO