Gumps Studio - Printable Version

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Gumps Studio - kevin465 - 03-05-2014 12:17 AM

ok i try the gump studio program ... when i make my command in game its dont show me the page 0 .. i dont understand why..

[function test]
dialog d_test

[DIALOG d_test]
page 0
resizepic 1 3 9568 499 392
button 3 62 1210 1210 1 1 0
textentry 29 60 200 20 0 0 0
button 3 114 1210 248 1 0 0
textentry 26 112 200 20 0 0 1
textentry 174 16 200 20 0 0 2
page 1
resizepic 1 3 9568 499 392
button 15 47 247 248 1 2 1
page 2
resizepic 1 3 9568 499 392

[DIALOG d_test text]
Rules of the server.
Textentry id.0
UO Reborn Information

[DIALOG d_test button]
// Button 1

// Button 2

// Button 3


RE: Gumps Studio - Alaric - 03-05-2014 12:24 AM

page 0 = something like background for all pages
page 1 is real first page
page 2 must be called

RE: Gumps Studio - kevin465 - 03-05-2014 12:28 AM

ahhh ok thx i try this now