Rank out of Tags - Printable Version

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Rank out of Tags - pinku - 10-25-2013 07:55 PM


I would like some advice on how to make/start a rank board out of TAGS.

Just for an example, not a real one:

*Player kills a monster*

How can I make a rank from all players listing the ones with the highest MONSTERKILL tag?

I'm seriously lost here.

Thanks everyone!

RE: Rank out of Tags - Mordaunt - 10-25-2013 08:41 PM

Take a look at this top player board by soulless http://forum.spherecommunity.net/sshare.php?download=249
There's all sorts in "Downloads" but it doesn't show up with a forum search

RE: Rank out of Tags - pinku - 10-26-2013 10:51 AM

First, thank you Mordaunt! Always helpful.
I tried editing, but it seems more complicated than I thought.

While it works smoothly with fame/kills/karma/etc, when I try to add my own argv/tag it doesn't work.

For example, the argv is fame, so it uses: ref2.fame... ok, that will work.

Or karma: ref2.karma... just fine too.

If I use "monsterkill", it uses: ref2.monsterkill... that won't work, cause sphere doesn't know that..

Can you or someone explain how I could turn monsterkill to be readable?

Thanks again everyone!

RE: Rank out of Tags - Rattlehead - 10-26-2013 02:54 PM


remember tags arent something u can call by their name without prefixing it with 'tag'

karma, u can reference by src.karma, but if u want to reference a tag on src it has to be referenced like src.tag.monsterkill or <src.tag0.monsterkill>

RE: Rank out of Tags - xwerswoodx - 10-28-2013 08:02 AM

use mysql, insert table the values of tag and after you can sort it


RE: Rank out of Tags - pinku - 11-05-2013 08:31 PM

@Mordaunt & Rattlehead:
It turns out this script only "ranks" the online players.. that wasn't exactly what I was looking for.. Sad
Is there another way?

Isn't there a way out of MySQL? I do not intend to use it on my server.. Plus, I tend to have a lot of problems with it.. lol

I have more or less an idea, but it's one rank person, doesn't really help me out..

Player logins.
Checks if Player tag is higher than VAR Server Record.
If yes, set new server record... if not, nope.

But how could I extend it to let's say... 10 players?
If I make 9 other VARs using the same system, that won't work, since the highest player will set the record for all 10 VARs when he logins..


Thanks everyone!

RE: Rank out of Tags - RanXerox - 11-06-2013 10:16 AM

Use a LIST structure to store the data... not a set of VARs. Then sort the list however you want to before the dialog that displays it.

Here is an example function to sort a poker card hand that is stored in a LIST structure:

[FUNCTION f_Poker_SortCards]
// Usage: f_Poker_SortCards CardArray
// Sorts an existing LIST object named CardArray, which is assumed to contain
// CardSymbols.  The sort order has highest ranked cards (Ace) first (suit is
// ignored.)
IF (<ARGV>==0)
   f_pokerlog 1,"Poker_SortCards: needs a CardArray"
IF (<LOCAL.InputSize> < 2)
   f_pokerlog 1,"Poker_SortCards: CardArray <LOCAL.Input> is too small to sort"
WHILE (<dLOCAL.Swapped>==1)
   FOR LoopNumber 1 <EVAL <LOCAL.InputSize>-1>
      IF (<LOCAL.LoopNumber>)
         LOCAL.CardA="<STRSUB 1 2 <LIST.<LOCAL.Input>.<EVAL <LOCAL.LoopNumber>-1>>>"
         LOCAL.CardB="<STRSUB 1 2 <LIST.<LOCAL.Input>.<dLOCAL.LoopNumber>>>"
         IF (<f_Poker_RankCards <LOCAL.CardA>,<LOCAL.CardB>>==-1) //CardA ranks lower than CardB
            LIST.<LOCAL.Input>.<EVAL <LOCAL.LoopNumber>-1>=<LOCAL.CardB>
   LOCAL.InputSize=<EVAL <LOCAL.InputSize>-1>