Prehit - Printable Version

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Prehit - Awaken - 09-26-2013 02:49 AM

Prehit is work fine?

// Extra combat flags to control the fight (default:0, 0.55i compatible)
// COMBAT_NODIRCHANGE              00001 // Not rotate player when fighting (like was in 0.51a)
// COMBAT_FACECOMBAT               00002 // Allow faced combat only (recommended)
// COMBAT_PREHIT                   00004 // allow prehit for close combat. first hit is instant (delay 0.1sec)
// COMBAT_USE_RESISTANCE           00008 // use character props RES* against oldfashioned damage types
// COMBAT_SPECIALDAMAGE            00010 // use character tags TAG.*DAMAGE to apply additional damage
// COMBAT_DCLICKSELF_UNMOUNTS      00020 // unmount horse when dclicking self while in warmode
// COMBAT_ALLOWHITFROMSHIP         00040 // Allow attacking opponents from ships
// COMBAT_OSIDAMAGEMOD             00080 // modify weapon damage OSI-style (taking anatomy, tactics, lumberjacking into account)
// COMBAT_ARCHERYCANMOVE           00100 // firing bow while moving
// COMBAT_STAYINRANGE              00200 // abort attack swing when out of range instead of waiting to come back in range
// COMBAT_STACKARMOR               01000 // If a region is covered by more than one armor part, all AR will count
// COMBAT_TARGETTEDHIT             02000 // Allows setting of preferred hit area by TAG.HITPREFERENCE

Any explain if prehit work or not?


RE: Prehit - Extreme - 09-26-2013 03:08 AM

Yes, it SHOULD work.
And yes, it's working.

RE: Prehit - Awaken - 09-26-2013 10:35 PM

(09-26-2013 03:08 AM)Extreme Wrote:  Yes, it SHOULD work.
And yes, it's working.

Really? how work?

With i near to the enemy (player), attack, but de delays insĀ“t 0.1 seconds Confused

RE: Prehit - Alaric - 09-26-2013 10:51 PM

Did you reboot sphere?

RE: Prehit - Awaken - 09-26-2013 11:01 PM

(09-26-2013 10:51 PM)Alaric Wrote:  Did you reboot sphere?

yes... and nothing :/.

No events o any can change de @Hittry on player :/ but nothing... no prehit

RE: Prehit - XuN - 09-26-2013 11:53 PM

I've tested it and it does works, write .detail 1 and you will see how you make dmg or miss

RE: Prehit - Extreme - 09-27-2013 01:09 AM

PHP Code:
Turn ON and OFF and see the difference..

RE: Prehit - Awaken - 09-27-2013 02:04 AM

Ok, now! Thanks!
Sorry Tongue