55r3rc to 56 prerelease - Printable Version

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55r3rc to 56 prerelease - babazar - 07-10-2013 09:58 PM

Hi, I found my old back up from 2004, few friends want to see about getting it back up and running. But want to know is it possible to move over to 56 or what can i do with this 55r, as if i remember there was huge kickup with it back then.

RE: 55r3rc to 56 prerelease - dagger4k - 07-10-2013 10:13 PM

Most things should work.. Simply put the scripts into the respected folders -- make sure the spheretables runs the scripts you put in and go from there..

RE: 55r3rc to 56 prerelease - babazar - 07-10-2013 11:06 PM

I will give it ago later, Is it a worth while upgrade?

RE: 55r3rc to 56 prerelease - Mordaunt - 07-10-2013 11:10 PM


RE: 55r3rc to 56 prerelease - babazar - 07-11-2013 12:06 AM

Thank you, I have no idea what state my old shard is in, Only time will tell, I see that cloud_br has a fully spawned world etc, but its on a tets build of 56 few yr old by the looks, Would there be many changes frm that to the curent vesion, idealy, just to replace with all the latest verions of sphere scripts?

RE: 55r3rc to 56 prerelease - dagger4k - 07-11-2013 01:15 PM

definitely worth the upgrade.

as for the script pack... Alot of the fixes are to do with the new content such as high seas... So you could get away with the older versions..