Houses :( :( - Printable Version

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Houses :( :( - Ultima One - 03-07-2013 12:12 AM


The last few days, I have had about 7 houses vanish in world saves, saying they were set to decay but had no timer.

Multis have a timer of -1 when placed, but seem to get a flag to say they should decay somewhere... no particular houses, and no particular location.

Assumed it was item count, but houses on their own in a quiet sector vanish too.

Get maybe 1-2 a day.. considering we have about 100 placed houses on the server..

so strange.. anyone know what could cause this?

RE: Houses :( :( - Mordaunt - 03-07-2013 02:19 AM

does your house system have a decay function that could be affecting the timer on the gembit?

RE: Houses :( :( - Ultima One - 03-07-2013 07:02 AM

The house signs have a timer for Rent, if that ends they go up for auction for 5 days, then after than it removes the house. Thats timer based on the sign only. No 'decay' on the houses I can see :/

Unless its something working that shouldn't be somewhere <_<

RE: Houses :( :( - BladeCraft - 03-07-2013 09:42 AM

You are 100% sure that your multi gembits don't have a decay flag on them when you .debug and .info them? What is the flag showing up for all of them? Is it different or consistent?

From the sounds of it, something is causing them to get that flag either when placed or when a script interacts with the house/multi. Perhaps you can softcode an 08000/010 attr to the multi when its placed and then see what happens?

RE: Houses :( :( - Ultima One - 03-07-2013 11:59 AM

I think something is breaking it, some players say it happened the next save after paying rent.. some say they havent paid went for a week.. But I will debug a few houses and see what shows up

RE: Houses :( :( - Mordaunt - 03-07-2013 12:36 PM

It has to be something in your script, default houses with no management script attached will sit there forever

RE: Houses :( :( - Ultima One - 03-19-2013 06:45 AM

hmm... not a script issue i can see Sad

so, if a GM uses .debug and moves a house using commands, then a timer starts on the house, which goes to -1 and stays there.. until a world save...

now restored 10 houses... considering we have a good 50+ placed, it cant be a script issue alone... We do move quite a few...

While typing this my staff just told me they drag and drop the worldgem bit of a house to move it... which flags it to decay -_-