Gargish gumps and animations - Printable Version

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Gargish gumps and animations - Auriga - 03-03-2013 04:29 PM


I'm running a little private-shard for my family and me and migrate it this time from ML to SA.

From time to time I was working a bit with mul files including adding new wearables with gumps and existing animations. For that i know the common tutorials to that topic.

Now I was wondering how the gargish wearbles are working.

Gargoyles can wear gargish clothing. Most items are available in two versions. This items refer to different animations in tiledata, but show the same gump in paperdoll. These gumps are different for male and female gargoyle bodies. Confused

Question 1: where are the gumps for female equipment? Slots in gump.mul seems to me in some cases to differ only 2 Slots instead of 10000 like for humans.

Question 2: where comes the gump change for gender for the different item versions from and how can I stop it? There are no entrys in Equipconv.def as I though first.

Gargoyles can mostly wear elven and human cloth, gumps are visible, but no animation is shown. Sad
Exception 1: some single wearables show weapons instead
Exception 2: i_robe, with shows the animation of a gargish robe
Exception 3: new gumps I patched in are never shown on gargish bodys

Question 3: how can I get animations for humaniode wearables working?

Could anyone help me please?

RE: Gargish gumps and animations - RanXerox - 03-03-2013 05:42 PM

The animations you are looking for don't exist... You could create them and patch them in, or, prevent gargoyles from wearing things that have no animation. You do this by the use of various triggers. For example:

...set TAG.GargoyleOnly=1 on an item that you want only gargoyles to wear, or a TAG.NotGargoyle=1 for items Gargoyles can't wear...

...then add these sorts of trigger to it (I have a single massive EVENT that all equipable items have on them)...

IF (<TAG0.GargoyleOnly>)
   SRC.ADDCLILOC 1111709//"Gargoyles Only"

IF (<SRC.ISPLAYER>) && (<TAG0.GargoyleOnly>)
   IF !(<SRC.f_isgarg>)
      SRC.SYSMESSAGELOC color_text,1111707//"Only gargoyles can wear this."
      RETURN 1
IF (<SRC.ISPLAYER>) && (<TAG0.NotGargoyle>)
   IF (<SRC.f_isgarg>)
      SRC.SYSMESSAGELOC color_text,1111708//"Gargoyles can't wear this."
      RETURN 1

Handle the missing male/female animations the same way with isFemale and isMale functions.

RE: Gargish gumps and animations - Rattlehead - 03-25-2013 05:13 PM

and i have a question regarding gargish items

i dont care much for the gargoyle race, but their items look pretty bad ass, they work well in the paperdoll on human character, however, they dont show up on ur character in game (animations) even tho it seems that the gargoyles show human weapons. so my question, is there no way to show the gargish items on a human? im not sure if this is a sphere issue or a client issue.

RE: Gargish gumps and animations - darksun84 - 03-25-2013 08:53 PM

Unfortunately there aren't human/elf animation for gargish item :\

Also, i think it's not even possible to modify them, because there aren't proper programs for modify .uop files(but i am not sure about that)