sight bug - Printable Version

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sight bug - ChaveS - 12-24-2012 11:40 AM

[Image: sightbug.jpg]

Players positioned as the pics shows, can cast a field, or any spell(on other chars) on the red circle.

Is that right? After seeing that i tested many cases and I'm surprised what i've noticed...

Im using 2009 September build.
I tried many MagicFlags and Experimentals on sphere.ini settings and dind't fix

Any tip how to fix it (or it is normal?)?
I didnt see any sight improvement on revisions after my build. Maybe they fixed it but didnt logged?

Man this is so important on my server, can someone pleeease test on your sphere versions/configs and see what happens??

RE: sight bug - Ben - 12-25-2012 03:14 AM

As far as I know, this behaviour is normal and correct. If you can't see over a chest while being on a horse, then I would say you need to see an optometrist Smile

There are some settings that would affect it in sphere.ini

// Uses the new LoS algorithm
// ADVANCEDLOS_DISABLED 0x00 // Disabled, use the old method
// ADVANCEDLOS_PLAYER 0x01 // Enabled only for players
// ADVANCEDLOS_NPC 0x02 // Enabled only for NPCs

0 is default and should work like 55i did.

RE: sight bug - ChaveS - 12-25-2012 04:49 AM

It is already at 0

And ben, i cant cast my enemy if the wooden chest is right in front of him, only in this crazy diagonal set...

And for example, i found positions(in this case on TREES) that i CAN see him, and he CAN'T see me!

I made the video:

Not leaving aside the problem with diagonals on the wooden chests (and any other blockable items)

I have a question someone got an sphere running without this problem? I need know if i can fix it someway

RE: sight bug - Ben - 12-25-2012 07:10 AM

Have you tried with AdvancedLOS=03?

RE: sight bug - ChaveS - 12-26-2012 09:57 AM

Now it fixed the tree bug, but i dont want to use advancedlos... if the item is blockable, then i want to be impossible to spell pass thought, its a old style shard.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vnSZfyJRc0k This is still a bug, even if the advacedlos is set to 0, it should be fixed right? Do you know where do i ask for fixes or suggestions?


RE: sight bug - Ben - 12-27-2012 12:45 AM

There is a bug tracker in the links at the top, that's where you report bugs... Now the problem here is, AdvancedLOS is "the fix".
So what you afre looking for is a half fix?

RE: sight bug - ChaveS - 12-27-2012 12:51 AM

the way i think is:

AdvancedLos in fact is to make some environments like: See trough windows, see trough items you are taller, etc...
Not to make some line of sight different for each player like in the video.

So if i want a old style line of sight but with a good diagonal check it should be advancedlos=0


RE: sight bug - Ben - 12-27-2012 09:14 AM

Before I do anything about this, you need to properly test it. I've noticed that in your video, when you target the other char in the first test, you are facing your target, but the second test, you are facing away from your target.

I still don't understand how you can request just a partial bug fix, when there is already a full fix available. You want old style, you have old style. OLD = BUGGY

RE: sight bug - Extreme - 09-24-2013 07:03 AM

ChaveS, você quer que o player não consiga castar no outro jogador caso o outro jogador não consiga ver você?
Se sim, faz um check no @SPELLSELECT ou na trigger que é chamada antes do cast ou até mesmo no @SPELLEFFECT, que se um dos players não vê o outro, a magia falha.