DPS Calculator. - Printable Version

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DPS Calculator. - Lazarus - 09-06-2012 02:24 AM

Any can create this? Smile


[You start to attack the others]
the dps takes all the damage incoming in X seconds (All manipulable on the script).
Damages: 40 + 50 + 20 + 30 + 40 (The damage that the screens shows and the change in the stats..) Then you plus all that (40+50+20+30+40) and divide by the numbers of attacks (40+50+20+30+40)/ [In this case = 5]

And the game shows you this:

DPS: XXX in XX SECONDS [You put the seconds what you want in the script]

Thanks! Smile


RE: DPS Calculator. - Rayvolution - 09-06-2012 07:50 AM

hmmm, an idea (if anyone has time to write this)

Have a memory that equips when you type .dps that detects how much damage it's container did per hit, on every hit add it's current number + new hit number, then divide that number by 60. That should come out to be the player's DPS in that minute.

If it needs expanded, maybe even have it run the first memory I described above, do it 3 times, then divide all 3 of those numbers by 3, that should be a better average over a 3 minute time period.

basically (All hits made within a minute) / 60. Save that number, do it 2 more times, save both those numbers as well, then divide all 3 of those numbers by 3. That should be your average DPS over 3 minutes.

RE: DPS Calculator. - Soulless - 01-28-2013 06:15 AM

i was just reading through the forum. does anyone know how the SPEED setting under each weapon affects how fast the weapon swings? mix that with the swingspeed in sphere ini and that would be a good accurate instant judge of the damage done. for damage on the weapon i would just take the damage values (lowest, highest) and average them out. sounds fun though to make.

RE: DPS Calculator. - Ultima One - 01-29-2013 12:21 AM

I have a DPS calculator, however at the moment it does not consider your Pet's damage. I am sure it could be written better too, we do not use it. If I ever get around to fixing it I will happily share it here.