Tooltip on a gump ? (From SCP Virtues_menu, by Xantier) - Printable Version

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Tooltip on a gump ? (From SCP Virtues_menu, by Xantier) - Edel[EdC] - 06-14-2012 04:47 AM


Sorry for my english.

Reading the Sphere community Pack script for the virtues (Thx guys for your work, I learn a lot), I found an interesting result but don't quite understand it.

In game, the script works as this : when you call this menu, the Virtues menu appears. And when you overlap one of the eight Virtue gumps, a tooltip is displayed with the name of the virtue.

Here is the script :

gumppic 211 133 105 <getvirtue 2> // class=VirtueGumpItem // compassion
gumppic 121 221 106 <getvirtue 7> class=VirtueGumpItem // hoty
gumppic 187 70 107 <getvirtue 5> class=Virtue   // GumpItem // honor
gumppic 61 71 108 0 class=VirtueGumpItem  // humility
gumppic 186   109 <getvirtue 6> class=VirtueGumpItem //justice
gumppic 35 135 110 <getvirtue 1> class=VirtueGumpItem  // sacrifice
gumppic 61 195 111 <getvirtue 3> class=VirtueGumpItem  // spirit
gumppic 123 46 112 <getvirtue 4> class=VirtueGumpItem // valor

The <Getvirtue X> function is for the hue.
If I comment the class=VirtueGumpItem, the tooltip with the name isn't displayed.
I've search for another script using this "class=" thing in a gumppic, but without success. The only other class I've found was in a region (The extention needed so the region may be accessible, I guess).

More strange to me is that the eight virtues all have the same "Class", there is no argument saying to display this name or the other.

Of course, by making some tests, I've understand that changing the Gump ID is what change the tooltip, but why?

How can I make my own "VirtueGumpItem"? Or is it client side and can't be done? Does the "Class" can be used some other way?

Thanks for reading, and thanks in advance for your answers.

RE: Tooltip on a gump ? (From SCP Virtues_menu, by Xantier) - admin phoenix - 06-14-2012 06:18 PM

very interesting. hope someone can answer the question.