ON=@Create under Typedef - Printable Version

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ON=@Create under Typedef - Gil Amarth - 05-16-2012 07:37 AM

I´m trying to add a property to all my ores at the moment of his creation, but I don´t know why the @Create trigger doesn´t work under a Typedef definition.

My code:

[TYPEDEF t_ore]

SERV.LOG Trigger activated
//I want add my tags here

Others triggers works with no problems, DClick, ClientTooltip, but Create dont.
@Create trigger works below ITEMDEF section of each ore item, but it would be easier to put all together.

Any ideas?

RE: ON=@Create under Typedef - RanXerox - 05-16-2012 07:59 AM

You can't use @Create under a TYPEDEF... only under the ITEMDEF itself can that be done.

RE: ON=@Create under Typedef - Gil Amarth - 05-16-2012 05:12 PM

I supposed that, but I wanted some kind of confirmation. The Spherewiki don´t have anything about this.

I am trying now on @ItemCreate in characters, it seems that it would work like I wanted. Smile

RE: ON=@Create under Typedef - Barnabus - 05-16-2012 08:33 PM

We did have previous a whole thread on this matter.

It basically concluded an item does not have a typedef or anything else untill its actually created.