Separating animation and gump - Printable Version

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Separating animation and gump - CptObvious - 03-22-2012 07:29 AM

Hi Smile

I have a problem with wearable items animations.
The question is: can I use the same animation with different gumps?
In other way, can I have more items using the same single animation?

Thanks for the help Smile

RE: Separating animation and gump - Khaos - 03-22-2012 09:56 AM

Yes. You have to edit mul's though. Though I believe there is a file in the UO Folder itself that can be edited so you don't have to play with the muls if you are just changing gumps. Changing an items animation is definitely a mul editing job.

RE: Separating animation and gump - CptObvious - 03-23-2012 03:11 AM

Thanks for the reply.
Now let's make a step forward.
I already know how to manage mul files (uopatcher mostly), I also know there is a file (body and bodyconv.def) able to "call" another animation when the server asks for the original; so we can have more items using the same animation.
But that's not what I need, I need something similar but working on gumps so when the server wants a longsword this files takes the same animation of a broadsword (already existing) BUT calls a different gump.

Basically I want to create a bunch of different swords without creating an animation each.

And the question is not only if I can do that, but also how Tongue

RE: Separating animation and gump - ShiryuX - 03-23-2012 04:44 AM

Try with Equipconv.def?
PS: I'll move this topic to the Mul section.

RE: Separating animation and gump - CptObvious - 03-24-2012 03:18 AM

I've just taken a look to equipconv.def and it can do the job, even if it's not the real purpose of this file.
With it I can sure save memory but I still can't salve animation "slots" :-\

However the main problem is solved, we can declare this case closed.

Thanks everyone for the help and long live sphere!

RE: Separating animation and gump - Khaos - 03-24-2012 07:42 AM

No problem sir. Thank you for being active Big Grin