German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - Printable Version

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RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - admin phoenix - 08-02-2013 05:55 AM

thanks Smile

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - admin phoenix - 08-06-2013 01:53 AM

the finished design of the ingame character creation Smile

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - darksun84 - 08-06-2013 02:06 AM

wonderful Shock

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - kritzel3000 - 10-28-2013 10:18 PM

do you need some test-player?

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - Crusader - 10-29-2013 02:51 AM

Phoenix that's really awesome, would u mind to share the script for the char creation? ofc without gumps

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - Kurita - 10-29-2013 03:00 AM

At the moment this project stops.
Phoenix has no time at the moment and has transfered all to me. But i am not a scripter.
Now we are only two persons in the staff. Now our first goal is to finish the map. All other things come later.

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - admin phoenix - 10-29-2013 05:14 PM

all scripts belongs to the shard.
but the script for the char creation has never been finished.

RE: German Midgard Shard looking for Staffmembers - Crusader - 10-29-2013 09:36 PM

too bad....well sorry for being OT and good luck Smile