Spawn in one place ! - Printable Version

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Spawn in one place ! - tyllneas - 11-03-2012 08:43 AM

Hello again ! I have Question . Is there some
command to teleport all Clients in one place ?
if it is can anybody tell me !

RE: Spawn in one place ! - Extreme - 11-03-2012 09:28 AM

serv.allclients go britain

RE: Spawn in one place ! - tyllneas - 11-03-2012 10:02 AM

(11-03-2012 09:28 AM)Extreme Wrote:  serv.allclients go britain

TY But is there any command who spawns all offline Clients to ??

RE: Spawn in one place ! - Extreme - 11-03-2012 10:25 AM

serv.allplayers go britain
not sure

RE: Spawn in one place ! - tyllneas - 11-03-2012 10:31 AM

(11-03-2012 10:25 AM)Extreme Wrote:  hmm
serv.allplayers go britain
not sure

No its not ! but TY anyway !
Mby there need some SCP create ?

If somebody know Plz tell me !

RE: Spawn in one place ! - Barnabus - 11-03-2012 06:40 PM

PHP Code:
[FUNCTION MoveOfflinePLayersToo]

To use this type in game .MoveOfflinePLayersToo Britain or .MoveOfflinePLayersToo Cove etc

RE: Spawn in one place ! - tyllneas - 11-03-2012 07:08 PM

(11-03-2012 06:40 PM)Barnabus Wrote:  
PHP Code:
[FUNCTION MoveOfflinePLayersToo]

To use this type in game .MoveOfflinePLayersToo Britain or .MoveOfflinePLayersToo Cove etc

Barnabus, Ty All Works Perfektly !

RE: Spawn in one place ! - Barnabus - 11-03-2012 07:14 PM

To Be honest that is a bad thing to do because you end up with many players on one tile.

The solution would be to make a filing system or more a tiling system.

First let pic a location to put all the offline players, personally I would use another map or I would put them in the ocean far off land. You can decide were the first file or tile will be located, for the purposes of this example I will just call the start coords as X and Y, you need to set them yourself
for example:
green acres would be
PHP Code:
[DEFNAME OfflineFilingSystem]
StartLocation_X   5104 
StartLocation_Y   1251 

Another major concern here is what happens when the player logs in, maybe you want him to go back to the place you first took him from before you filed / tiled him.

PHP Code:
[DEFNAME OfflineFilingSystem]
StartLocation_X   X
StartLocation_Y   Y

[FUNCTION MoveOfflinePLayersToo]
LOCAL.RowNumber=<EVAL StartLocation_X>
GO <EVAL <LOCAL.RowNumber>>,<EVAL StartLocation_X>>
LOCAL.RowNumber=<EVAL StartLocation_X 1>
SERV.LOG <EVAL <LOCAL.OfflinePlayerCount>> players have been filed from <EVAL StartLocation_X>,<EVAL StartLocation_Ytoo  <EVAL <LOCAL.RowNumber>>,<EVAL StartLocation_Y

Then I suppose on login you would check to see if a player is at the coords <TAG.LastAtTheseCoords> and if not move him there.

If <P> != <TAG.LastAtTheseCoords>
GO <TAG.LastAtTheseCoords>

RE: Spawn in one place ! - tyllneas - 11-03-2012 09:27 PM

It means thei fly to the localation when their gos Offline ?

RE: Spawn in one place ! - Barnabus - 11-03-2012 10:18 PM

Yes you could do that also just tag them with their filed location after
they have been placed there in the loop.

        GO <EVAL <LOCAL.RowNumber>>,<EVAL StartLocation_X>>
        LOCAL.RowNumber=<EVAL StartLocation_X + 1>

On the Login you would have to remeber to remove the last location
PHP Code:
If <TAG0.LastAtTheseCoords>
        IF <
P> != <TAG.LastAtTheseCoords>
GO <TAG.LastAtTheseCoords>

Then on logoff if you wanted to send them all back to the same tiles.

PHP Code:
If <TAG0.FilledLocation>
        IF <
P> != <TAG.FilledLocation>
GO <TAG.FilledLocation>     

With something like that you could keep all players filed somewhere. they are ok in a row because you only see so many per screen, if you have them all in the same screen or worse all on the same tile you might have trouble using allshow.