
Full Version: Where to set default spawn location on player creation
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Hi guys ! I am back on sphere and last time I was we were still on 55i. I'm trying to find where to set the default landing coords for all new players to be teleported on character creation. Back in the days it was in spheretables and I feel like I have run over all the scripts and cannot find it. Actually, I did find something sphere_map_point0. I erased all of the points and added mine and now, when I create a character it sends me in Minoc or in Hythloth entrance.

Anyone can give me a quick advice on this ?

In sphere_map_points0.scp

PHP Code:
[STARTS 2]        // new client (<ARGN> == 2 if new cliloc line is added)
Yew            // City
The Empath Abbey    // The specific name of the place
633,858,0,0        // coordinates of the place can also be from another map 
1075072            // City name code from Cliloc 
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