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I am attempting to add new artwork of chairs using UOFiddler. I do not see a way to mark them such that they work as chairs, and cause player to sit. Is there a way to do this? I had thought to copy an existing chair, paste it in a free slot, and change the graphic, though I likewise do not see a way to do this.

My other thought, as I only wish to add a few new chairs, is to use some of the existing graphics, such as the elven chairs, and simply replace the graphic. Is this viable, and would it effect any existing objects using based on that graphic, other than to change the picture?

Thanks in advance for any help!
Ddid you try to add the type t_chair to the item script?

I don't remember, but it could be that is the client that decides if the item is a chair or not based on the item graphical id (similar to gargoyle only be able to equip gargoyle weapons and so on)
I actually use RunUO. There is no variable for marking something as a chair or that triggers the sitting animation. It must be client side, as adding chairs as static items or sitting in chairs frozen to the map work. There does not seem to be any particular flag that can be set in UOFiddler, so it must have something do with the actual graphics. I suspect that replacing an existing chair graphic with a new one will cause it to work.
last i checked, chairs were hard coded... that was a long time ago though so i dont know if that has changed. you would have to replace a chair in order for it to work.
Thanks! That does seem to be the case. I think there are just enough newer chairs to accommodate the graphics I want to add. I assume replacing an existing graphic would not cause any issue with existing items, such as map statics, and would just change the graphic?
no i do it all the time. its going to change whatever item you're replacing in game to your new one but it wont mess anything up =)
Excellent! Thanks again!
Sitting animation, so sitting on the chair is a hard HC kod Client! It has been so since the beginning of the UO and it still takes !. But .... You can solve it with an invisible subject, when you put graphics on any ID ART and in the script set the invisible object of any chair from the original Client. We used to test it once. It was bugged in Mondain Legacy. I do not know what he will do today.
Good news for everyone. The client can be deceived. We can insert on the ID instead of any original transparent tile chair. And then you create a multis either file or script a new chair by using a transparent tile and some picture of the new chair in one place. Once inserted into the world, the character sits. I see it as a GM and I see it as a player. See picture: On the right sits a figure, on the left a sample of what he is sitting on.

[Image: chair.jpg]

I will write detailed instructions later.
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