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hello guys, how do I upgrade my 55i ​​sphere to sphere 56b without losing my content?

I wanted my server to stay intact and change only the version of the sphere to a more updated. Is it possible?

thank you Smile
It is possible for sure, but will take some tedious work.
LOT of things changed since 55i to 56b (or 56c recently). You can check the long revisions file

Scripts slightly changed some references and etc. New things added and some may be removed
Best you can do is to load them on 56b/c, see the errors and fix them; but you will need deep verification on EACH script, some changes may not throw errors on console, you will also need to test EACH script, then fix as needed.

World saves also changed, I don't recall exactly what, but they've changed, you may not be able to load it unless you "fix" it

As I said, long and tedious work. SphereWiki will help you solve most if not every issue with scripts. However, you can always ask here for help Smile
i would be possible to transfer my whole decoration of the cities, the homes of players and spanws of dungeons for another version 56b? or I'm just going to transfer the scripts?
You may be able to transfer your saves entirely, but it will require you to edit it manually so it can be loaded on 56b/c
I'm reading the revisions and making an updating guide, I guess tomorrow i'll finish it (revisions since 55i is sooooooooooo long).

However, excepting that save's problem (which I cannot remember now) and a few more things its just plug and play.
This is the most basic I could make it, several additions and fixes done since 55x not only on the core, but in scripts too... I suggest you to review your scripts and add these files (sphere_serv_Triggers.scp, stones/* all files and folders, update sphere_skills/spells, most files where moved and reorganized...)

I'm missing something but I cannot remember it right now.
    -FixAction functions are no longer needed.
    -added INTERRUPT to spells file. (Script Pack)
    - Changed TRY to make no plevel or touch/distance checks. Use TRYP if you want those checks (TRYP 0 only checks for touch/distance, not plevel).
    - Added RANGE=min,max or RANGE=max (min defaults to 0) for ITEMDEF and CHARDEF. (Script Pack)
    - Changed [AREA to [AREADEF, same for rooms.
    - Added spheredata.scp to the Save/ folder, create it empty and your vars, regions/sectors/room changes, and some more global things will be stored there in your future saves.
    - Added DEFMESSAGE (look for sphere_msgs.scp and add it).
    - Changed SPELLFLAG_TARG_* in spells. (Script Pack: sphere_spells and sphere_defs for the flags)
    - When loading a world with VERSION below "0.55 R3", convert spells that affect stats, by
          removing its effect from base stats (old method) then putting the effect into modstats
          (new method). This ensures compatibility with spells and cursed items.
          Notice that this only works for worlds saved on versions earlier than R3, seeing as worlds
          saved on the test versions of R3 made no conversion and thus had items with both formats
          which cannot be distinguished.
          If for some reason you want to bypass this conversion on an old world, change the version
          of the save files to "0.55 R3". If you want to force this conversion on a world saved with
          R3 test versions, change its version to "0.55".
    - Added spherestatics.scp, same as spheredata but for attr_static items. So they are not being saved in each worldsave, hence saving time. To save them use serv.servstatics
    - Code cleanups, removed some useless (not enabled keywords), same keywords grouped
          to one variant for usage for faster work lookups:
          SAFE->SECURE (VerbKeys)
    - Removed ADDNPC since it is already integrated with ADD command for both items and npc (You should have sphere_backwards.scp for compat with old functions/defs).

    - Added MAPx to ini, IMPORTANT: add these values or current map (mapplanes in older versions) won't work, one MAP line per MAPPLANE. Add them or items in mapplanes and npcs will go to map0, not good idea to forget them:)
    - Added: Encryption keys for clients are now in SphereCrypt.ini
    - Added: new mounts defs to sphere_defs.scp (Mounts are now handled there, if they are not specified in the file they cannot be ridden).

    - Changed most of the tag.override.* tags from previous versions to variables (and in proccess of removing all of them), check revisions (not big yet (at least not as much as 56b one lol ))
    - Crafting skills need SKF_CRAFT in their flag's definition.
    - Removed @Hunger its code is being fired in  @RegenStat.
Moved this thread to Documentation/Tutorials. If something is missing everyone will thank any contribution Smile
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