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hi i have some problem abouth menu

On=59 //War axe
IF (<blacksmithing> < 64.4)
src.sysmessage @0481 Mace yapmak icin 64.4 blacksmithing skili bilmeniz gerekiyor.
elseif !(<restest 16 i_ingot_iron>)
src.sysmessage @0481 Mace yapmak icin 16 adet 'iron ingot' gerekiyor.

problem is when i push button not creat to item if i change "src.makeitem=i_dagger" its working but its not create war axe.. sorry for my english
Check war axe's resources, i think war axe needed more iron ingot that your define, thats why player cant create it.
RESOURCES=11 i_ingot_iron,1 i_log
Need to see more of the script.
If this is a custom crafting system you could restest for 11 ducks and allow the item to be created if the prerequisite was met (yes thats a ridiculous example but...)
Based on what you have shown, there is no reason why the axe would not be crafted if the two prior conditions are met.
Actually no need to see more, if button defines is ok & skill checks is ok & resource check is ok |< thoose three is custom | if everythink fine, makeitem is ok only left to check main item resources. If main resources doesnt fit with custom resource check ( if main needs more ) he cant create, otherwise everyhink is fine.
Well yes.. if you don't have all the resourced (as listed by darksun and missed by me... precoffee posting is never good) you won't be able to make the item.
The script itself as posted is not at fault though.
thanks for helps.. its fix now..
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