hey! can I make this little function work with out target? thanx!
[FUNCTION bandage]
IF (<SRC.FINDID.i_bandage>)
SRC.SYSMESSAGE Bandages not found.
Yes, but not like that since bandage is a specific type (t_bandage) who's default behavior is to present you with a target.
You're basically going to have to re-script the bandage item itself/override the default behavior to get it to do what you want.
Also you'd have to bare in mind that if you don't get a target, how would you heal a 3rd party?
ye Mordaunt, the fact is that - character (with this function) heals himself automatically, and only thereafter appears target. After, when you click with that target - Unexpected target info.
mrkarlo want a function to allow players to heal themselves without select a target.
The problem is that "self" and "last" functions take the target but don't close the target cursor(so you can select another target with an error).
I reported the problem here:
yees DavideRei thats right! What is the solution for this problem?
I'm not expert in packets, but I took a look short time ago, and I guess its cliend side, so 3rd party programs can do it but we cannot (maybe Ben correct me).
thank anyway! mb Ben will look at this problem
I did look at packets... there may be a way to send a target cancel packet but I'm not 100% sure. going to have to do some testing first