02-04-2014, 04:38 PM
Pages: 1 2
02-04-2014, 06:29 PM
It seems like an auctioneer, right? If so, just check out this auction script: http://forum.spherecommunity.net/Thread-AUCTION
02-05-2014, 12:10 PM
Hi XuN , Not auction.
This is systems auctions.I'm looking for system.Housing vendors the common selling general vendor.But thing I want , housing vendor items for sale single vendor.
This is systems auctions.I'm looking for system.Housing vendors the common selling general vendor.But thing I want , housing vendor items for sale single vendor.
02-05-2014, 05:40 PM
The only one working that I know is the one in the SCP, but it does not look like this... you should have to edit the dialog yourself.: https://code.google.com/p/sphere-communi...system.scp
02-06-2014, 07:28 AM
Hi XuN ,
First, thank you.This script, how I'm gonna sell the item? I could not find command , script ?
First, thank you.This script, how I'm gonna sell the item? I could not find command , script ?
02-06-2014, 07:52 AM
Looking in the script it seems you have to drop the item on the vendor, it will ask you for price and description.
02-06-2014, 08:01 AM
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,118)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,68)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,149)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Exp_GetVal: Divide by 0
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol '' , eror
When you put the item into the price does not want me to go.How I'm gonna take custom vendora?
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,68)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,149)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Exp_GetVal: Divide by 0
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol '' , eror
When you put the item into the price does not want me to go.How I'm gonna take custom vendora?
02-06-2014, 08:17 AM
It seems it needs some configuration defname from the SCP's settings file:
//////// AOS Custom Vendor System
// Max ammount of vendors that a player can own
// 0 = Infinite
// Max ammount of vendors that a player can rent
// 0 = Infinite
// Max characters allowed in items description
// Where the vendor search for gold on buy
// 1 = Bag and bank / 0 = Only in bag
// Vendors will be redeeded when dismissed?
// <boolean> (1 = On / 0 = Off). Default = 0
// Max weight that vendors can carry
// Default = 390
// New vendors comes with this shop name
scp.Vendor_DefaultShopName=Shop Not Yet Named
// Players can place vendors only on houses?
// <boolean> (0 = No / 1 = Yes)
// Name of area to permit place vendors
// Example: "Britain" (0 = Everywhere)
// Basic salary per day, in gp
// Raise 1gp on salary for each total of X gp's vending
// Default = 165
// How many times the salary get paid on a day? Default = 12
// NOTE: This will just make the salary get paid on small amounts X times per day.
02-06-2014, 08:36 AM
Or you could look in Khaos's download section....
It's there, stripper out of the SCP:
It's there, stripper out of the SCP:
02-14-2014, 06:36 PM
Hi XuN , This is vendor scripts. Generel vendor script for housing vendors , I want scripts a general vendor.
Pages: 1 2