
Full Version: General vendor software scripts [Help]
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Hi ,

How this can be written as a script? Could you please help?
It seems like an auctioneer, right? If so, just check out this auction script: http://forum.spherecommunity.net/Thread-AUCTION
Hi XuN , Not auction.

This is systems auctions.I'm looking for system.Housing vendors the common selling general vendor.But thing I want , housing vendor items for sale single vendor.
The only one working that I know is the one in the SCP, but it does not look like this... you should have to edit the dialog yourself.: https://code.google.com/p/sphere-communi...system.scp
Hi XuN ,

First, thank you.This script, how I'm gonna sell the item? I could not find command , script ?
Looking in the script it seems you have to drop the item on the vendor, it will ask you for price and description.
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,118)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,68)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,149)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,101)Exp_GetVal: Divide by 0
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol ''
23:59:ERROR:(genelvendor.scp,585)Undefined symbol '' , eror Confused

When you put the item into the price does not want me to go.How I'm gonna take custom vendora?
It seems it needs some configuration defname from the SCP's settings file:

//////// AOS Custom Vendor System
// Max ammount of vendors that a player can own
// 0 = Infinite

// Max ammount of vendors that a player can rent
// 0 = Infinite

// Max characters allowed in items description

// Where the vendor search for gold on buy
// 1 = Bag and bank / 0 = Only in bag

// Vendors will be redeeded when dismissed?
// <boolean> (1 = On / 0 = Off). Default = 0

// Max weight that vendors can carry
// Default = 390

// New vendors comes with this shop name
scp.Vendor_DefaultShopName=Shop Not Yet Named

// Players can place vendors only on houses?
// <boolean> (0 = No / 1 = Yes)

// Name of area to permit place vendors
// Example: "Britain" (0 = Everywhere)

// Basic salary per day, in gp

// Raise 1gp on salary for each total of X gp's vending
// Default = 165

// How many times the salary get paid on a day? Default = 12
// NOTE: This will just make the salary get paid on small amounts X times per day.
Or you could look in Khaos's download section....
It's there, stripper out of the SCP:

Hi XuN , This is vendor scripts. Generel vendor script for housing vendors , I want scripts a general vendor.
Pages: 1 2
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