
Full Version: sphere to chat bot (Pandora)
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Hey All, I was wondering if it would be possible to interface sphere with a chat bot like the ones at www.pandorabots.com It would be cool to have an NPC carry on a convo with players. Might even fool a few...... Smile Looks like you can send text to a web URL, then collect the response back from the same URL.
if you look thru the spherewiki, u will see that NPC's can have verbal commands, like 'buy' and 'sell' brings up a menu, you can basically have it be any word you want like 'hi' and 'your mama' as many as you want, and then use something like:
on=*your mama*
Yes I'm aware of that, but interfacing to a chat bot that is based upon the AIML language is much more life like than that of a list of works and then a canned response.

Try it out so you understand what I'm getting at. http://www.pandorabots.com/pandora/talk?...ed4e344a53
You can.

Did some web communications with spawn (see wiki) and wget command on my linux server. Works, but reading the response is not as easy. You need something outside of your sphere, that writes to a file or a database and - as the request & response will take some time - an idea how to properly wait for that.
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