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Before I have anyone even PM me... I am 'somewhat' back. I am looking over things right now and seeing where the progression has taken the server. I am also reviewing the posts since I have left last year. It has been a busy year for me with a lot of ups and downs. So bear with me.

Seems the forums went down again? I have noticed some things missing; maybe they were consolidated?

Has there been any progress on a release for a client patch for the login? IE anything post 7.0.25 they locked us out with the login.cfg; has that been remedied?

Also, for those who PMed me over 'hiring' you; nope. That is not my department anymore. Ask Ben about those things. I just do my contributions and help with advice or scrap together a quick script for anyone who needs some real help.

I do have some side projects to do with sphere though if I feel there are enough people using it. The issue comes back to the updates and how current we are with EA. Some things my hands are tied on if we are not currently able to use the new clients.

Anyone who has questions of me; feel free to ask.
Oh a break from tradition? Devs have been coming back to say that they are done with the project.
Welcome back!
welcome back
Who has come back and said they are done with everything Mordaunt? I have not had anyone try and reach me this year except Julian a couple times to check on me.

Thanks Darksun84. Good to be semi-back.
Shiryux, I'm sure you'll find his post, and Vjaka is in IRC a lot but is not back as a dev "he says"
You should hop in, I got a party going on in there Wink
classic client works as usual with the Login.cfg... only the enhanced client requires some hacking of one form or another to force it to work with a free shard
Welcome back Khaos!
Extreme: Thanks Extreme. Nice to be back.

Ran Xerox: Is that confirmed? Last time I updated that client the login.cfg wasn't working right with it.
(09-07-2013 03:50 AM)Khaos Wrote: [ -> ]Extreme: Thanks Extreme. Nice to be back.

Ran Xerox: Is that confirmed? Last time I updated that client the login.cfg wasn't working right with it.
If login.cfg don't works, is there a workaround with the hosts file to fix it.
Maybe it really fix the newer clients issue Big Grin
Thanks Extreme. I am going to look into it. I am in IRC with everyone else if you want to chat there.
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