
Full Version: Making a UO shard
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Hi all I used to play UO back in school, was really addictied to it and wasted a lot of my exams playing it haha. Anyway I played Santiago, Mythik and then a smaller shard called Sinders server

I'm no longer aware if they still do this shards as I've not played for 2 years, however I do believe that there is a huge gap in the market of getting players back if we recreate Santiago or Mythik and tweek it so it works, I'm prepared to pay for hosting and I am looking for scripters to help me, I need all the help I can get, I really miss playing UO but the difference between myself and other shard admins is that I will be playing it as much as anyone else so I will host events daily and what not.

The shard I wanna create will be for everyone, PVPers, Crafters Anyone!

So where do we start which version of UO?
What software works best?
Where do you get the software?

Any helps would be great thanks guys

So where do we start which version of UO? - depends on what all you want to do with it, what style you are wanting it to be, T2A, UO:R, AoS, etc etc
What software works best? - .56b of course
Where do you get the software? - top right of the forums, click on 'Sphereserver', next to the search button
AS Rattlehead said you should start with 56B. From there if you want a Santiago style server download the project blackrock script pack from the downloads section.
This will give you all the basic things that were on the server. From there you will want to add your own "flavour". New systems, New monsters, New items.. You won't be able to create a shard only using that script pack.

You will need to find someone that is decent with scripting imho. At the bare minimum you should incorporate some Automatic events, hard afk macro systems etc.
does project blackrock have same spell timers / damages and stats regain as santiago had?
It should be bloody close... I didn't actually work on project blackrock so i'm not sure if they did change stuff in regards to this =[

If you do use the files you have to make sure you check things as you put them in.... For example the overall player event e_player has various connections with things such as e_young, the tourney system. This is why I said you should get someone that knows what they are doing so they can either re-script this or integrate the scripts properly. Plug and play will only work so far..

Another thing is that they used their own compiled version of sphere... From my tests the majority of scripts work though Smile
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