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How i can to make a part of an area can't cast mark, recall or gate spells?

i need to redefine a new region?,if is so, how i can applied this condition to the region?

Yes, you need to add a new region, and apply these flags to it:

region_antimagic_recall_in 00002
region_antimagic_recall_out 00004
region_antimagic_gate 00008

For example, here's one I made in sphere_map0.scp that will announce when you enter the area, block recalling and gate, and won't allow you to place buildings:

[AREADEF a_newdungeon]
NAME=New Dungeon
Thanks man!.
Just to add to Rayvolutions expanation for you and others that might like to know.
There is loads of region commands, here.. http://wiki.sphere.torfo.org/index.php/AREADEF
You can turn them all off and off by changing the value (1/0) (region.guarded=0) is GZ off.

You can also check if a flag is on or off in game by saying
.show region.mark

Below I have added an example script that checks the region for a guarded flag.
To use it type .IsRegionGuarded in game...
PHP Code:
[FUNCTION IsRegionGuarded]
IF (<
SYSMESSAGE @95 The region is guarded
SYSMESSAGE @35 The region is not guarded eeek!

The Defs for the Region Flags can be found in sphere_defs.scp.
Example ::
region_flag_ship 00040 // this is a ship region. ship commands
region_flag_nobuilding 00080 // no building in this area
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