
Full Version: [Tutorial] Link Art and Gump to Animation
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If we have a custom Gump and an art, and we want to use this in game with a proper animation, we can but the process is a bit tricky, so follow carefully the next steps.

Mulpatcher (we can easly download it in the Download section/Tool)

body.def (inside UO Folder)

(The slots coincide with the gump in mulpatcher)
free slots in body.def:

basically these are the following free slots, but it depends on the client patch:
//from 191 to 521
//from 525 to 744

from 191 to 299 // 108 free slots

from 320 to 480 // 160
from 487 to 521 // 34
523 // 1
from 525 to 744 // 219
from 809 to 929 // 120
from 941 to 999 // 58

Now open mulpatcher and load:


1) Go to Tiledata(S) search for a free slot (eg. 0x3FFD)
2) Now go to Art(S) search for the same position 0x3FFD
3) Right click and Load from Bitmap (load the art previously saved)
4) Go back to Tiledata(S), now you can see the image of the loaded art, set the stats of the item (wereable, armor, weapon, etc.)
(If is a weapon we set wereable and weapon, if an armor we put wearable and armor, etc).
5) In the top of the program we see the field "Name" (lets name it!) and in the side we have the field AnimID

The field AnimID is the same of animation of the gump, NOT the animation in game; BUT we don't know it yet.

6) Now, we open the file body.def, searching for a free slot.
For istance we take 200.

7) Now let's take the windows calculator, select 'show/scientific' and in Decimal we write 50200 which is our number (200) + 50000.
We add 50.000 for male gumps, and 60.000 for female one.

8) With 50200 we select Hexadecimal and we have C418

9) We go back to mulpatcher, in section Gump(anim) so we go to the position of the calculator 0xC418, right click and Load from Bitmap for the desired Gump

10) Under the image we find Animation ID: 0 x XXX, take in mind this number.

11) Let's go in Tiledata(s) and in AnimId field we write the number found before in Gump.

12) Save everything in mulpatcher.

13) In body.def we find string like this:

190 {200} 1161

which are:

190 is the animation of our gump (in our case is 200)
{200} is the animation that the object have to be in game, we find it opening InsideUo, just searching a similar object to ours, right click, Details, and that's the number that we are going to put in Anim Id
1161 is the base Hue of the object (suggestion: always put 0 which maintain the original color)

So, if we want to give the animation of a plate chest to our custom item we are gonna search for the animation of the chest plate and then we'll write:

200 {527} 0

That's "ALL" Tongue

Have Fun!
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