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Hi guys,
did anyone find the solution, how to convert old multis from multi.idx and multi.mul to new file multicolletion.uop or vice versa ? ?
We would like to switch from 7.0.32 client to 7.0.66 but we dont want to lose our custom housings from old files.
Is there any way or still nothing ?
(This post was last modified: 08-02-2018 06:43 PM by Gladie#209.)
08-02-2018 06:42 PM |
Posts: 213
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Joined: Nov 2017
RE: multicolletion.uop
Hmm, to není jdnoduché. Navíc, jaký emulátor chceš použít. Gladie(andaria Gladie ??? --- osobní otázka). Na Serv Uo je hodně možné, Na Sphere méně, na Run UO - Mrtvý projekt. Ale nyní nevím, která verze Update Uo je ještě schopba pracovat se všemi soubory- Tuším 7. 035 ale 7.066 už ne. Podívám se na fora UO. Jistý si nejsem. Před rokem jsem jel na 7.050 verzi. Ta dokázala pracovat s UO soubory. Pozdější však nikoliv. Je třeba myslet, zda emulátor dokáže rozklíčovat EA Games kod.
Hmm, that's not simple. In addition, what emulator you want to use. Gladie (andaria Gladie ??? --- personal question). Servo Uo is a lot of possible, Sphere less, on Run UO - Dead Project. But now I do not know which version of Update Uo is still capable of working with all files - I guess 7 035 but 7 066 no longer. I'll look at the UO forum. I'm not sure. A year ago I went to the 7.050 version. She was able to work with UO files. Later, however, not. You need to think about whether the emulator can distribute EA Games code.
09-21-2018 03:04 AM |