I use the new build where we have a 550 stone backpack limit and an unlimited power for deplacing object. I want softcode a Bypass for this for doing like in the 55i version:
1- Not able to move item more than 2 times my weight limit.
I doing this on a character event:
ON=@ItemPickup_Pack / @ItemPickup_Self / @ItemPickup_Stack
IF (<i.isGM>)
return 0
IF (<ACT.WEIGHT> > <eval <i.MAXWEIGHT>*2>)
i.messagerouge C'est trop lourd pour vous!
return 1
It's work only if it's an item. IF it's a stack of 5000 ingots, i'm not able to deplace 1 ingot...
2- I don't want to be able to put item on my backpack if I am overweight (MAXWEIght)
That do not work because it's suppose to be a trigger on an item.... How i CAN do a Typedef for ALL item?
IF (<src.isGM>)
return 0
IF (<eval <src.WEIGHT>+<ARGO.WEIGHT>> > <src.MAXWEIGHT>)
src.messagerouge C'est trop lourd pour vous!
return 1
With these 2 modifications, the functionnality will be like 55i. I sincerely don't know why we put a maximum in the .ini.... The maximum should be link to your strengh...
Please Coruja would you revise your commit and set maxweight with STR? Or set an INI flag for let us decide?
Thx for your help.